Making Tabletop Games

A podcast about making a tabletop RPG in a month and making it available for sale. Here is episode one about using Taco Bell packets to role play vampire hunting.


In Civilization VI there’s a mechanic known as the World Congress. I often commented that this portion of the game could be a fun little game all on its own. If you listen to us at all, you know we often talk about how many games are just “vote who wins games.” I combined both those ideas and designed a game that is literally just a vote who wins game. I am tentatively calling it “Vote Who Wins Game.” Most other games try to hide the fact that they are vote who wins games, so I thought it would be cute for the game to own up to its true nature.

Since I have meetings most of the day today, I wrote up the rules to the game this morning. Here they are in a short document for your perusal.

However, this game is far from done. In order for it to work, there needs to be a large deck of interesting proposal cards. I can come up with many ideas myself, but I figured it would also be fun to crowd-source ideas as well. Here is a form where you may submit ideas for proposal cards. Obviously reading the game rules is sort of a prerequisite.

I’m also happy to take suggestions, questions, comments about the rules themselves. And of course if we ever get enough proposal cards to be playable, we’ll maybe move on to playtesting.

No pressure to participate, but thanks in advance to all who do.

This could all be shit-talk and this could be the end of the line for this game. But in the interest of transparency, the greatest I can hope to achieve with this game is to put it up as a PDF on for $0. Anyone who contributes in any way, will of course be credited properly.

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I like the idea. Like Wearwolf/Mafia/Among Us it has a voting round, but you can make your vote count more if you’re confident or less if the vote doesn’t effect you and you don’t care about the outcome.

Do you have one or two more proposal proposals so I can get more of an idea of what the players are voting on?

I guess I’ll have to write a little proposal guide. Until then here are a few quick ones I wrote:

  • The TARGET player loses 1 point, but may cast up to 3 votes more than their maximum next round (if there is a next round)

  • The TARGET player’s hand size is permanently reduced by 1. They immediately discard a proposal card from their hand and do not draw back up beyond their new current limit.

  • The TARGET player gains 2 points and then chooses another player besides themselves who will gain 3 points.

  • The player who cast the lowest number of votes this round on either proposal (ties break clockwise towards current wind) loses 2 points and gives them to TARGET player (who might be themselves)

Without reading the rules yet, sounds a little like Nomic.


I poked around at that many moons ago but it didn’t work for what I was doing at the time. I should give it another whirl and see how it’s changed.