Gun Control

I’m not a lawyer but isn’t specifically refusing to acknowledge the powers of the federal government not how law works?

Yes, there’s a little thing in the Constitution called the Supremacy Clause:

There’s no control. Ban guns.

You can’t put back in the monsters that have escaped Pandora’s box, but you can seal the lid.

Remove the people from power, who defend guns. Physically get in their way.


I responded to a tweet with this but think it works on of own as well.

“I remember when my daughter told me about their “from under drill” they do where they hide under their desk and stay as quiet as possible to make a shooter believe the classroom is empty. What I remember most about that day is crying in my car from anxious fear for my kids.”

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It’s long overdue for America to get rid of it’s death cult. Start breaking some rules and get shit done.

Get fox news off the air.

Kick Texas out of united states.

Arrest republicans.

Immediate freeze on all gun sales.

Treat this as a ‘war on terror’. That would be on brand.

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As of 2020, firearms have surpassed automobile accidents as the leading cause of death for children and adolescents in the United States.

Ban cars and guns.


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CW traumatic recount from a child

Honestly, burn the republican party down.

The Republicans are the Nazis and it’s 1922.


Meanwhile, north of the border…

In New York we have a thing called the red flag law. If someone shows evidence they are likely to be a harm to themselves or others, the court can order the seizure of any firearms they possess, legally or otherwise. This article actually details the process and much of its actual usage.

The thing I find most fascinating about this is not mentioned in the article. When people on the Internet discuss hypothetical scenarios in which the 2nd amendment is repealed and guns are largely and/or entire banned, they imagine some sort of shooting war between the government and the gun owners out there. That whatever government agency is tasked with collecting the guns will end up engaged in all kinds of stand-offs, and not actually be able to accomplish their task.

Yes, those sorts of incidents might occur here and there. I’m especially concerned about what it would look like if law enforcement attempted to disarm some of the militias, like those out in Michigan.

But for the overwhelming majority of cases, this does not seem to be a problem.Even the otherwise completely useless cops have done this very successfully here in New York. Hundreds of red flag orders have been executed. In all of them some law enforcement agents had to confront people who were a danger to themselves and/or others, and who possessed guns. In all of the cases the guns were successfully seized without anyone getting hurt.

I am confident that if somehow we can miraculously ban guns, that almost all of the guns can be seized safely. If someone argues about banning guns and tries to argue that it would be impossible to actually implement, here’s the evidence that it actually is very doable.


Nineteen states do, in fact, plus DC, and Maine has laws that are kinda halfway there - basically the same, but harder to obtain the flag, needing both a judge and medical professionals to sign off.

The government could do a thing gun buyback/ gun amnesty.

Get paid to hand in your guns.

Theoretically exploitable by gun manufacturers, where they can just get free money by not even selling guns.

Instead have a pipeline from factory to government for the free cash.

But, considering how broken things are, it would likely be a net positive. It may incentivise most people to hand in their weapons, irrespective of who would exploit such a thing. If also coupled with the fact that you can face a prison sentence for owning a gun.

Or you could just…put restrictions on corporations turning them in? And bar any manufacturer from turning in their own weapons?

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