General Tabletop RPG Thread

Running dnd is just an exercise in how many awful puns I can fit into a world before my players try to lynch me. :smiley:

So working on this political cave-man idea, I think it would be fun to say you get three words from your characters caucus. Like the “Socialist Abortion Gun” caucus. A few words everyone gets, like your country, whoever has executive power (president, chairman, leader), etc. Perhaps a point scoring game with the GM as senate leader/president/prime minister, etc having veto power. Obstacles like… everyone else is secretly lizard people, aliens, “the deep state”. Secret roles/goals for final scoring so it’s never entirely clear who is “winning.”

I imagine it coming across a bit like stupid cave-man political werewolf.

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So is this the party that supports socialism, abortion, and guns, or guns what are socialist and are used for abortions? :stuck_out_tongue:

Yes. Fifteen characters.

I was at UK Games Expo this week and I posted in things of the day about there was a GM who was basically bringing to the table rape fantasy and the convention responded appropriately and banned him and offered support to the affected players.

I was thinking about the two games I played and while it wasn’t the rape fantasy both games featured the male GM telling a woman playing that their character was naked now.

The first one was a D&D game where none of us remembered the character’s names and gender, race and class were important as we were killing monsters. There was a bit where the GM had done this puzzle where there were 4 platforms in lava and they’d move up and down based on which one you stood on. But in order for us not to “cheat” as soon as we opened the door to that room, all of our equipment and clothes vanished and once we’d completed the puzzle there was a magic orb that restored them. None of us asked who was male and female in the game and nobody really reacted to it but it was weird.

In the second game we played, Liminal, (don’t bother with this game,) there was a woman playing a male werewolf and whenever she used her power to turn back into a man, it’d be “you are naked now” from the GM. Another player described himself carrying the clothes to give back to this character.

Why is this such an emphasis in people’s games? It’s really bothering me. The first guy made everyone naked which looks like it should be an equal experience for everyone but thinking about it it’s not. Everyone has their own experiences and in general “you are naked now” is on average worse for women.

This sort of content risks alienating women and driving them away from the hobby which reduces diversity and homogenizes the whole experience in what is already a fairly homogeneous hobby.

Is it sexualised? Not necessarily, but it’s close enough for sexual vulnerability.
Am I upset on my own behalf? Yes, it’s a weird thing that drags down the hobby I enjoy. Yes, it’s upsetting for me to see power exerted over sexual vulnerability. It feels wrong even though nobody complained.

Report that shit.


Yeah, it looks like the Expo takes that shit seriously based on the more severe case that is in the news. I am confident if you report these less severe cases, they will be handled appropriately.


There are garbage people in this hobby who take any chance they can to do this. This is less a DnD thing and more a “nerd” thing where as a culture we need to better police these kinds of people and correct or ostracize them.

It’s a real shame, nerd culture is supposedly a haven for people who have been bullied but given the opportunity, they gladly becomes bullies themselves.


I had heard something about this. It’s a garbage game and GM when they open with “You all awake after being gang raped in prison.”

Utter horseshit.

Is that literally how it opens? Fucking yikes bud.

I wasn’t in that game, that’s the top of the pyramid. I’m looking at the foundations of that brand of shit that were present in the other games I played.

An ancient story about a now-passed-on gamer was Edena of Neith. He was a bit weird. I played in his 3rd Industrial Revolution of Oerth game. It was a super over-the-top game involving world-ending magic combined with science and psuedo science. Elder gods got woken up. Angels and Demons were fodder. There were these glass spheres with infinite hardness (cause magic?) with teleportation circles on both ends and gravity 1000 times earths accelerating projectiles as weapons. Didn’t make a lot of sense, but it was an important part of my online gaming when I was 16.

One part of him being super weird is he would carry over his “levels” on his one and only character (the titular Edena) between games. So he was a level 120 something every-class something or other, though he would play whatever level range they were actually playing at the table. So that doesn’t make a lot of sense for various reasons, and it wasn’t just like a personal quirk, he treated that character like an identity. Literally the “Blackleaf, noooo!” way. I wasn’t particularly bothered by him, he was eccentric, inconsistent, and put a ton of his life into running those IRR games. He was quite likely “that guy”. There was also some kind of genderbending of the character. I know his life was pretty hard, a very nice friend of mine online kept tabs on him somewhat.

Anyway, the relevant story is that in one of Edena’s games as a player with this persistent character, they were sexually assaulted by pirates completely at the will of the GM, and apparently all the other players were ok with it on some level, and this really messed up Edena. Probably contributing factors of past bullying as well. And having their personal identity wrapped up in that gaming character. So it was a PTSD kinda thing for them.

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Posted the thing. Only comments so far were about me not putting appropriate content warnings and formatting so as the hide it from those that didn’t want to read it.

So now I just feel super dumb. Like no one agrees but they think I’m the perpetrator for forcing folks to read uncomfortable words. :worried:

Bundle of Holding is having a Paranoia RED Clearance Bundle.

The new Paranoia is ok at best. Using cards for secret society and mutant powers is great, but the card-based initiative/interrupt system is clunky. Figuring out and agreeing on what dice to roll is slow.

I recommend waiting for the Paranoia Classic bundle (1e and 2e) to come back.

I would claim that no Paranoia is good of a game. I have first edition book and while it’s fun read, there are some fine “ha ha” jokes, I couldn’t see myself ether playing or running it, ever.

I remember the included 1e mission being kind of cruel. The latter mission books have a lot more fun stuff for the players and GM.

Players just want an excuse to shoot each other, which is a good time in small doses.

I liked Paranoia for teaching some players to be okay with dying, something other RPGs teach them to fear. Admittedly, Paranoia was the first post-D&D RPG for me, which may factor into that a bit.

Loving the new art style for the new Cyberpunk Red “starter kit” thats coming out at Gencon and of course it includes silly printed dice.