GeekNights Monday - Displays

I find it unbelievable that you are unconvinced. The benefit for me isn’t just noticeable but incredible and easily measurable. I posted in another thread, but here’s the nugget:

I’d put in all that training on the 15 inch 60hz screen, and it was like doing a month of marathon training wearing scuba diving gear.

Free of crappy equipment and with a proper setup, I did the same tests with the same scenarios. Here are my best 10 test averages from a month with my laptop vs two days with my gaming PC (60hz vs 144hz):

  • 1wall6targets TE - 95 vs 115 … up 21%
  • Headglitch 180 (recoil) - 1310 vs 1825 … up 39%
  • 1wall 6targets small - 561 vs 716 … up 27%
  • PUBG Heavy Recoil - 3365 vs 6006 … up 78%

A possible conclusion to this is that upgrading from 60hz laptop screen to a 144hz gaming monitor brings a similar level of aim improvement as a month of regular practice.

But for this experiment there wasn’t a control group. I put in a month of training, and at the end of that process I installed Kovaaks on a PC connected to a better monitor.

Also I went from running PUBG on a MacBook Pro that could only output to the monitor at 60fps maximum (but often only 50fps) to a PC with a Vega 64 video card that runs PUBG at 130 to 144fps.