GeekNights Monday - Breaking up Big Tech Companies



I feel like a vast majority of Pinterest traffic is just people trying to image search something in a browser to download, and getting linked to goddamn Pinterest.


Thatā€™s when people like US visit Pinterest, yes. But trust me. A LOT of people go directly to Pinterest on purpose.

Pinterest is the worst.

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I donā€™t get the impression itā€™s actively eroding the fabric of society, so that puts itā€¦ in the top half?

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Iā€™ve only ever seen people use Pinterest for posting pictures of their artsy food projects. Is there something truly heinous about this site of which Iā€™m unaware?

The only thing heinous about it is their pollution of google image search results.


I was honestly wondering about this one, because in the past Iā€™ve totally missed the outrage or ā€œcancelingā€ of a website or service.

For example, I once read a blog post which began ā€œWe can all agree Goodreads is terrible, garbage, toxic, and bad for authorsā€¦ā€

I was like ā€œwait, I love Goodreads! It lets me keep track of the books Iā€™ve read, get recommendations from other users, see what others are reading, post reviews, and itā€™s home for the discussion forum for my book review podcastā€.

But apparently thereā€™s a whole group of author-adjacent people who feel like thereā€™s an obligation to use it for promotion and fan communication, coupled with the feeling that bad reviews are a form of bullying. Or something.

Of course Iā€™m not exposed to that experience of Goodreads, and only find it beneficial.

Then again, I think that blog post was introducing a competitor to Goodreads, which would also track what you read and provide recommendations, etc. so maybe it was overloading on the outrage.


Hope this law adjusts for inflation otherwise one day theyā€™ll block the merger of two local tech repair shops, lol.

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Thatā€™s cool and all, but is it anything the DoJ couldnā€™t currently do if they had their shit together?

The FTC can block mergers, but they operate within the confines of the law. Existing anti-trust legislation defines what counts as a legal or illegal merger. If this bill becomes law, there are some mergers which are currently legal that would no longer be so.

20 billion! The acquiree has to be a little mad in these situations donā€™t you think.

Go antitrust regulators, go!

The most surprising thing to me is that figma is worth that much.

It stealthily took over basically all serious UX design globally.

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Hohohohoho. You love to see it. Very reasonable guidelines. Canā€™t wait for this to result in some action.