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game idea: mmo elimination
1000 players

You play as a Marble, 3rd person POV

Race to the bottom of the hill, you fall off the track you lose and spawn into new race.

No input controls. you just watch.

0 skill game

ray trace the marbles, make it pretty

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Same idea, one minor modification. There is one input and exactly one input.

The start of the race track is a plinko/pachinko board. You choose the exact position on the horizontal line from which your marble will be dropped.

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Advance mode, peggle cannon.

So marblelympics X saltybet?

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I was driven away by the plague of hackers at the time the development resources of the game were being fully driven into loot boxes and cosmetics

I’ve recently playing a ton of Tony Hawk’s Pro Skater 1+2, a combined remake of the first two games of the series from the PS1 era. And it’s pretty good. I spent a lot of my youth playing these games so I am a prime target and for once they managed to capture the old, arcade-y feel without overdoing it like some of the later titles in the series did, all the levels look great and feel good to skate in, though I think they overdid the stuff a bit that some things kind of go missing in the textures, which is particularly noticeable in the Venice Beach level.

I played these games so much in my youth that I basically speedran them without knowing what speedrunning was. What I mean is that you had to complete each objective (collecting SKATE, finding the secret tape, high scores, etc.) with each Skater to unlock their video, and in certain early levels such as Hangar I could do the entire list in a 2 minute session. This however has gone by the wayside here. You only need to collect each objective once to unlock levels, and the levels stay unlocked for any skater. You still have to visit each level to collect the stat points for the skaters, but instead of having to do all the challenges, each skater (and the game overall) has a list of challenges to unlock additional deck graphics or outfits and gain money to to buy other stuff, including objects for the park creator tool. Some of these are tied to the objectives i.e. collecting medals, and hitting the “sick” scores in levels with that skater.

Speaking of medals: I either lost a lot of my skill in the intervening years, or these competition levels are a lot harder than they used to be. I am having an extremely hard time getting gold medals, and lost the gold in the last run more than I care to remember already. Some of the challenges also feel very hard and are kind of very obtuse in their restrictions.

Finally, I am very happy that they basically kept the entire soundtrack intact. THPS1 was a foundational piece in forming my musical taste. As far as I could find, only three songs from the original games are missing, and they added 30+ additional songs from a bunch of bands that I actually rather like, such as Screaming Females, Strung Out, Reel Big Fish, FIDLAR, A Tribe Called Quest, and Billy Talent. The only problem is that some of the songs are pretty heavily censored, particularly noticeable with Police Truck which is a rather offensive song (and intended to be).

Goldfinger played a quarantine version of Superman:

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Not to go too far offtopic, but yeah, Goldfinger was a band I really got into in the early 2000s. Part of it was that they had a song in THPS. Another part of it was that they had a new album coming out around that time with a cover of 99 Red Balloons which drew a little attention from german press because it contains a verse in german. I distinctly remember seeing some sort of interview with them on a german TV station while waiting for the german version of Big Brother (I was a stupid 14-year old back in 2000). I think a day or so later our newspaper came with an advertising insert from an electronics chain and in it the album was advertised. Had to get it then. So yeah, Stomping Ground was the first punk album I bought. Still a decent album. Kind of unfortunate John Feldman (the lead singer) kind of went off the deep end with his PETA advocacy over the years.

Picked up Chronicon on the black friday sale, it’s been really fun. It’s an indie arpg that hits all the right buttons and excels where it needs to. Graphics are sub-par and enemy variety is below average, but it absolutely nails the feeling of stomping around a map busting hundreds of mooks while loot explodes out of them. Subworld has squared the circle of creating a game with tons of depth that can be quickly picked up to start busting heads. I wish the AAA arpgs focused on speed and gamefeel the way this one does. It’s not perfect, but I’ve played way, way worse arpgs for $12

Playing Hades. Got to what could be the final boss on the last run, but then died. I’m sure I’ll beat it soon-ish. We’ll see how much I keep playing. Pretty sure it’s a play forever sort of thing, as it’s a roguelike and there are many many things I have not unlocked.

Without spoiling it, Hades does have credits at a specific point in the game, at which point it essentially becomes an endless game with self imposed “Challenges” to make the game harder.

I stopped after the credits, but loved every second of it. Fantastic game.

I didn’t stop at the credits, but taking a look at the achievements there’s apparently an ‘epilogue’ which comes after you’ve done enough post credits, we’ll see if I make it to that.

Just got absolutely consumed by Demoncrawl. It’s Minesweeper: the rougelike. The base game is exactly the same, but now you have HP, money, armor, and items. Adding campaign mechanics and random items works surprisingly well for a game that was already procedurally generated. Like classic roguelikes, it is ruthless. There are absurd effects like “the open squares have items that you can take, but deal damage to you” or “clear an entire row of the board, if you kill a monster (mine) refund 50% of this item’s charge” and you need to abuse your items to get a leg up on a system that isn’t quite one hit kill (like normal minesweeper) but damn close.


That is an incredible looking game.

Jet Lancer is a blast so far, very similar feeling gameplay wise to Luftrausers from a while back though with a lot more color and anime vibes and a lot less Nazis. Well worth the current steam sale price

Playing these games right now:

  • Super Smash Bros. Melee (on Slippi, FUGU#174 if anyone wants to play, this is my favorite game)
  • Hades (I saw a couple people in this thread are playing it, I got it about a week ago and made it out of the house three times so far)
  • Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance (this game is still amazing)
  • Chess (so I don’t become dumb)
  • Slay The Spire (on Ascension Level 14 with The Silent right now, trying to make it to Level 20)
  • Heroes of Might & Magic III (I’m just playing the campaigns right now)
  • Teamfight Tactics (this game is a bad game but for some reason I enjoy it too much, I’m hardstuck Diamond rn)

Anyone share any of the same game journeys as me currently?

I’m trying to game, again. “Doomscrolling” is killing me, and if I refuse to be productive, I might as well have some fun.

Fallout: New Vegas is the first of the “Modern” Fallout Games I’ve played. It’s very enjoyable, so far. I have only achieved the default “Well done, you didn’t quit during character creation” achievement.

Brigador is still terrific. It’s like the old Strike games, but even crazier.

Final Fantasy VI as a Steam port is passable. I’m told people don’t like the ports, but I enjoy it well enough. I’m still in the early part of the game, grinding using Edgar’s crazy weapons.

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Trying to get through a backlog on my PS4. Played through the first two Arkham games. Man those haven’t aged well. Starting the third one tonight, so we’ll see how long it lasts.

Played through a digital PS game (maybe it’s on other things?) called Erica that was pretty fantastic. It’s an FMV-style interactive game, which I realized that I guess I had nostalgia for? Super short, but pretty replayable, I think. Definitely recommend this if you ever get a hankering for those types of games.

It’s funny, as I get older, I want long games less and less. Like, I will play an 80+ hour isometric RPG, but I might not finish it. I will definitely finish an 8-10 hour game. I wish that more games were made that catered to that market, because I can’t possibly be the only adult in the world that has less and less time to videogame in their life!

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I got bit by the Genshin Impact bug. Do I recommend it? Uh… maybe? I’m having a lot of fun, and as gacha games go it’s reasonably generous. I spent $10 a couple of weeks ago mostly because I felt like supporting the creators; I haven’t spent any other money, which makes it cheaper than most other games I’ve played this year. It doesn’t have a real “party” system, though – that’s kind of counter to the gacha system. Since they can never know which character(s) a player will have access to, they have to treat them all the same (ie they all have different abilities, but NPCs talk as if it’s the central protagonist even if you’re playing as someone else). It’s frustrating. I can’t wait to play more. ¯_(ツ)_/¯

I’ve also played a looooooooot of Slay the Spire recently. I’ve still never beaten the last boss. Some day.


I grabbed an early access of a game called Solasta: Crown of the Magister, which is a cRPG that is sticking very closely to D&D 5e tabletop rules. I’ve always been fond of video games that try to replicate tabletop D&D mechanics, and this is definitely doing that. It’s still pretty rough, but the team is tiny (13 people) so I’m not expecting greatness. Still, quite promising.

So when I finished the EA content that’s out right now, I went and grabbed Hades and uhhhhhhhhhhh anyway I haven’t gotten anything else done since I started playing it. Damn does that game live up to the hype.