Climate Change

Got a dollah?

Everyone stop what youā€™re doing and listen to this.

TLDR: Diversity is a requirement of survival.

Trees. We need trees.

Literally solar powered. No human interference required. Can be scaled up globally in virtually no time.

I agree we need more trees, but just the number of trees, and land for those trees, to get us carbon neutral is immense, to say the least.

Iā€™ve done some back of the envelope calculations and itā€™s, itā€™s not encouraging. Weā€™d basically need to use up all of the arable land in the world. That might get us carbon neutral.

So hereā€™s the part where I stan nuclear energy.

We could reduce the amount of trees needed to be carbon neutral if we stopped tossing so god damn much carbon into the air all the time. One of the big ones is burning coal and petrol to put the energy on the grid. Thatā€™s like 30% of all emissions right there IIRC, and thatā€™s competing with shit like Cars and Planes and burning oil to heat houses.

The no-good, do-nothing government (ok so thatā€™s the line I use with family, maybe wonā€™t hit here) has this office thatā€™s not helpful at all called the Energy Information Administration that maps out all the energy generation, transportation, exchanges etc of all energy in the states.

You can even put your address in and find out exactly what garbage is being burned to keep your lights on check it out:

For me personally, Iā€™ve got 2 roughly equidistant power plants to my abode one being a natural gas plant and the other being petroleum (oneā€™s supplied by port exchange, the other Iā€™m having a hard time determining how they supply. Itā€™s right by the intersection of 2 major highways so Iā€™d guess truck.)

Anyway, where I live just to type this message to you is putting carbon in the air. However if we go to a few miles west of Philly. Holy shit theyā€™re already pretty close to carbon neutral already. Howā€™s that? Well itā€™s the nuclear plants they have supplying the area.

Iā€™d like to work in how good standardization would be for this rather than competing companies each solving the same issue in proprietary ways and unable to source parts from one another. And how great itā€™d be if we could make nuclear energy boring. But Iā€™m already running out of energy for this post.

Toss your address into the EIA map and find out exactly what fuel youā€™re currently burning to read this post. Unless youā€™re a bit west of Philly, in which case Iā€™d implore you to smugly feel superior.

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Another easy way to get more trees planted is to use the search engine Ecosia. The more you use it to search, the more trees they plant.

The point itā€™s not just the amount of trees. Trees is like the number 1 starting point, but itā€™s kind of irrelevant if it also isnā€™t working in tandem with zero-emission policies. Not carbon neutral, carbon zero.

You canā€™t expect biomass to both remove the excess of carbon in the atmosphere and also neutralise continual production of carbon emissions.

Zero means fundamentally rethinking global transportation for example. Grounding most if not all flights. etc. etc.

You get the idea.

No country/ corporation finds the necessary solutions palatable. This is the problem.

I really want to get behind a lot of these green initiatives, but I feel that most people to contribute to them donā€™t understand the immensity of the challenge ahead of them, they see huge numbers like ā€œweā€™re going to plant 20 million treesā€ and think to themselves ā€œoh yeah, I gave them $20 for 20 trees, that should be enough to offset me, right?ā€ Except that number needs to be more like 200 million trees, or a billion, and then weā€™d quickly get into the problem of where are we going to put all of them.

Bah, Iā€™m not arguing against you, Iā€™m just being overly cynical about the whole thing. Honestly initiatives like this would have been really awesome in like 2000, or even 2010. I believe that weā€™re 10 years too late with all of this. And apparently that feeling is growing in others as well. Reading that David Attenborough said that weā€™re too late now just really cements this for me.

Hell, seeing all these initiatives to get carbon neutral by 2050 is like a joke to me. In 2000 everyone was like, yeah carbon neutral by 2020! Well itā€™s 2020 now and that future isnā€™t 20 years away, apparently itā€™s 30. Itā€™s worse than nuclear fusion, at least thatā€™s always 20 years away!

Itā€™s not looking good, at all.





ā€œSince such a steep mitigation is impossible, the only way to achieve this budget is with very large ā€œnegativeā€ emissions: pulling CO2 out of the atmosphere.ā€

And temperatures keep climbing. Weā€™re not even in the worst of it yet.

Deniers citing ā€œThe Little Ice Ageā€ are not making the argument they think they are making, considering the French Revolution was preceded by several bad grain harvests due to the cold weather.