Queers invade the White CisHet Male safe space

You miss spelled Hinez there buddy.

Edit; though I did pick up a great pepper laced tomato ketchup form the local store, but that is home made so I dont think it counts.

Should we tell him…?

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Tell me what?

(15 butts)


Ooooh thats a saucy number.

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I assumed it was on purpose.

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Grapefruit is an orange’s racist uncle.


Well, actually, grapefruit is an orange’s racist nephew.

I preemptively cringe every time I hear a sentence start with “well, actually…” as a reflex.

Did oranges come before? What do you see, DMLou? WHAT DO YOU SEE?


Guys, Grapefruit just grew up differently than Orange, he’s not a bad person.

What does that mean to the Pomelo then? The fruit that somehow everyone seems to have ignored here.

Lime is the best tasting citrus anyway, but lemon pairs the best with other fruits/dishes.

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My girlfriend and her sister are the same way, to the point that the sister has “Driver’s freckles” instead of a driver’s tan.

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According to Wikipedia, grapefruit is the child of both the orange and the pomelo.


What, no Mountain Dew+Jack Links+Doritos love? Buncha fakes in here I guess.

This thread got real boring real quick again.


Back to Fruit we go. That’s where the real shit goes down.

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Nunchucks, Bo staffs and ninja stars. I feel these are things white boys have or used to own in their youth. So sound off guys.

I owned a pretty sweet ninja star that I bought at the flea market. I also owned a bull whip I bought at six flags magic mountain. I used to be pretty cool.

I would find large washers in my dad’s shop and grind them into throwing stars. But I was really more of a wrist-rocket kid.

Melee weapons never interested me, nor did the militarization of frisbees.