Things of Your Day

Also, while common sense would make you think that vaping is somewhat less poisonous than vaping, it is clearly still poisonous. There is also little to no evidence regarding the long term health effects of inhaling vape smoke, first or second hand. So we don’t know exactly to what degree it is poison relative to other poisons. It’s clearly not beneficial for health. It’s not something we should encourage or promote. Get rid of that shit.

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Depends on the vape I suppose. I had a co-worker who vaped in his office and long after he was fired, his office permanently smelled like vape juice…

I can smell it on people who vape regularly just like with cigarettes.

You just said a form of smoking without the butt. You didn’t say it had to be healthy :stuck_out_tongue:

The cheap vape units also aerosolize metals from the battery/electronics.

Vaping with cannabis is a little different. Instead of having vape juice, you put cannabis you would smoke normally in a small chamber, and when you pull on it it heats the cannabis to vaporize the oils. None of that funky smell from nicotine vaping which I’m pretty sure is from the propylene glycol in the vape juice. The vapor smells a bit like the fluid we used to deice aircraft when I worked for Jet Blue which was just diluted propylene glycol.

That is true, but a LOT of people vape juice with THC in it instead of just pure flower.

Making it a condition “related to sexual health” IMO is worse because it makes gender dysphoria sound like a fetish.

Only because mental illness is unfairly stigmatized. If there was wide acceptance of conditions like depression and schizophrenia the trans community wouldn’t mind being classified as a mental illness. It’s been a sore spot with me for a long time that so many trans people respond to being the end of the stigma of mental illness by saying they’re falsely categorized rather than rejecting the stigma as the unjust prejudice it is. As someone who suffers from both bipolar disorder and gender dysphoria, they’ve always felt like two sides of the same coin both in abstract and in experience. Intrusive thoughts, self harm habits, and suicidal tendencies are commonalities between depression, anxiety, and gender dysphoria. It seems they have more alike then they have different.

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Vertical Switch mount

You can just use the fishing Labo to hold it vertically.

The cardboard box is opinionated about the angle of the display, since it’s meant to sit on the floor. I’d rather hold the entire thing if I’m on public transportation. (It’s also only $12)

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Reddit loses their minds over ketchup.