Things of Your Day

A new reason to go to confession every day.

Warner Bros. might have to pay $900 million in a copyright lawsuit over The Conjuring. The buildup that leads to this case is actually pretty funny.

Wild cats have better physiques but this (looks like a Tom from his masseter muscles) does the domestic cat species pretty proud in the achievement of pitch invasion.

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Map of the World, with each country illustrated with the most popular work of literature written by a native of that country.


Trolling on the scale of Alex Jones where he sells brain pills and promotes actual dangerous activity like Pizzagate needs to be enforced like a legit form of public endangerment and be tried to the fullest extent of the law.

Things Only Women Writers Hear

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I’m not really sure how crazy he is and how much he actually believes. I listened to the Joe Rogan episode he was on (though he was way too soft on jones), and there were times he seemed sane enough basically saying the times he was screaming and yelling were being satirical or just exaggerating for effect, but then later on he states that the elites are a group of psychic vampires who’s goal is to ascent humanity in a Transhumanist plot sent using technology they believe is sent to them by an interdimentional being. He frames this by saying basically “I’m not saying I believe this but I believe this is what they believe, because sources.” He had also smoked a bunch of weed on the episode, so… But also as he was describing their plan, I’m like yeah thats literally what I want to do, sign me up.

That almost sounds like he realized he slipped and allowed a peek at the man behind the curtain so he doubled down to try to cover it up.

Stories I heard from people who worked with him on Austin Cable Access said he completely knew he was full shit and said he was just doing it as an act. He would get in political rants to screw with people. Off camera, he was kind of shy and obsessed with stories. These accounts were told by personalities behind, Double Toasted, OneOfUs.Net from Austin, TX. He might have grown into his own bullshit more over time like Rush Limbaugh but he’s still scummy scum.


My rather self-indulgent TOTD is that I sent a package to one of my favorite internet people, LoadingReadyRun (the people who do Desert Bus for Hope among a billion other things) and it was featured in their Monthly Mail Time show.



Another advancement for driverless cars. Still some way to go, but ‘solid-state LIDAR’.

Next step appropriate technology for IOT devices. Think of all the things malware could do.

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