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confused skeleton noises


I scrolled through the thread and either I missed it, or somehow nobody ever posted Necrons, a.k.a. Egyption Space Terminator Skeletons.

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yeah, they’re basically Sci Fi Tomb Kings, or maybe it’s the other way around

Some of the best books in the black library concern the Necrons. Most of them are emotionless robots, but the ones who aren’t are almost ork-level fun, like Trazyn the Infinite, who lives to just maintain his little(incalculably large) museum by stealing basically anything and everything that isn’t nailed down(Including from other Necron lords who are, generally, very cross with him), or Nemesor Zahndrekh, who was a little…confused by his uploading and subsequent sleep, and while still being a brilliant tactician, believes he is still a flesh-and-blood being, acts accordingly. As well as already being considered a bit of a flashy weirdo before he slept, which has just been augmented by his madness.

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The age-old advice at my last job: “you can go anywhere on campus if you head away from your normal building, carry a folder, and look like you have somewhere to go.”

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Even better, specifically an interoffice mail folder.

I forgot these existed. Are people still using them in the year 2022?

On every college campus, not sure they really get used in actual work offices anymore.

I used them often on our college campus. But why aren’t all the documents just emails now? What could possibly be in those?

Docs that require hand signatures. They aren’t up on the e-signing game.

There are so many digital signature systems now. Docusign, Adobe, Microsoft, and many others. Pick one.

It’s always work place specific. Where I worked most people from my group in the wild could be identified by a stack of stuffed folders, each one for a specific part or system assembly, usually on their way to some engineering department or production group to get sign offs or do inspections, or en route to a meeting. Each part number would have 4-5 different packets of approval documents to be signed off or verified by various cognizant groups, and so to get a project over the finish line usually meant half a day or more running between departments so you could collect signatures. The best was when we had to go to the offices across the river which meant waiting for a shuttle and generally would kill half a day even if the signature part took 10 min. Typically managers would just try and get a tentative approval in email from the cpgnizant groups over there, waiting to get sigs done while pregaming before the approval meeting to save time. But if a manager was cool or a stickler to stick to the letter and spirit of the procedures; they’d make us get all the group signatures before they put theirs on, and approved the approval meeting to go ahead. So if I was running around with some of those folders, I could always be legitimately heading towards some cognizant group rep to check up. All the engineers and managers knew that those meant progress.

And occasionally I actually did run into someone that knew me, who was also heading the direction I said I was going, so to cover I would end up actually making a work trip out of it. But then half the time luck! The person I was there to see was gone themselves. Probably roaming with a folder. Or we’d do our check in and then everyone would collectively decide to kill half the afternoon talking about whatever wasn’t work.

So everyone was in on it more or less. Even the mid level managers. As long as they werent being specifically fucked over by your end of the project being late, they’d rather talk about anything else but work.

Mind numbing existence all around. Make me a skelly boi instead.