Shit Talk of Your Day

Shudder is indeed one of the only small time streaming services that has somehow survived. They tried to hire me once.

Criterion Channel is new. What happened was first all the Criterion movies were on Hulu. Then they started a new service called Filmstruck that also included TCM and such. That died some months ago. Criterion Channel rose out of the ashes of Filmstruck just recently.


I am so sad that FilmStruck died, I only found out about it three months before it closed!

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Been on work travel this week in outer Atlanta and this place is like Americana hell. Nothing but highways, auto dealers, and restaurants. Every day on the drive to the training facility we pass an abandonded mall. Highways are 6 lanes wide and still dead stop traffic. Will be glad to go home tomorrow, i haven’t seen a sidewalk in days

That area is a bummer. Downtown Atlanta has some good food.

I have been mulling this idea for a YouTube series for a while, inspired by (stolen from) and expanding on @SkeleRym and @apreche 's Judge Anime By Its Cover. Using I’d go back to the year of the earliest anime that I would have been aware of as being anime as a kid in the late 90’s, and watching any show that at all caught my interest for any reason, regardless of any post-facto knowledge of its content or quality. I’d do a video judging it by its cover and blurb, then doing post-watch reaction/review videos. I had a couple of ideas for format:

-Do Judge-Watch-Review into one longish video for each series;
-Separate Judge-Watch-Review into separate videos one series at a time;
-Do a judgment video then review videos every 2-3 episodes and a wrapup video at the end of the series;
-For each season, do a video to judge all the anime I want to review, then watch all the first episodes and do a segment on each in one video, all the second episodes and a video, etc. basically simulating watching all the series a week at a time as they come out.

I’m leaning toward doing the video every 2-3 episodes route, and I’m thinking 1989 as my starting year since Ranma 1/2 started then and its the earliest anime that I remember thinking of as “oh man anime!” in my early teens. It also presents the problem that Ranma is loooong as fuck.

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Mashing up Billie Eilish’s Bad Guy with the “I’m the Bad Guy” song from Wonder Over Yonder seems like it would be a good fit.

Stepped into what feels like the shit-talk phase of a new project. I just finished the first draft of a novel, and now I’m trying to write the script for an audio drama.

Totally alien format, and it’s like learning to write all over again. I’m going to call it shit-talk until I’ve got the first draft of this thing done.

That’s far beyond shit talk.

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Thank you; if only my imposter syndrome believed that.

The shit-talk portion is the scripting. At least I’m trying to adapt something. Going to see if I can turn an old series of game recaps into an audio drama. When I don’t have more than 40 seconds of a script written, it feels like I’m just fooling myself that I’m going to get it done.

But it’s either push through that feeling or give up. And I’m going to sit here every weekday morning with my laptop and try to push through.

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Going to rewrite Diggy Diggy Hole so that I can put it in this year’s local pantomine; Snow White.

I want to record all of the unreleased songs my band made in something like Ableton and find a way to release them as a big B-sides album.

Simple game that I can’t program:

You go into a dungeon armed with 3 random prime numbers under 20.
You encounter a random number under 2000.

Your choices are:
Flee it.
Attack it (divide it by one of your numbers)
Accuse it of being a prime number itself.

If you flee you move onto the next encounter and this number is put back into the random number pool.
If you attack and you choose the right weapon it is divided by the weapon number and the options appear again.
If you attack it with the wrong weapon you lose a hit point and the options appear again.
If you accuse it of being a prime and it is; it is defeated and you add the number to your arsenal.
If you accuse it of being a prime and it is not; you lose a hit point and the options appear again.
If you reduce the opponent to 1 - you gain a hit point.
Defeated numbers are removed from the random monster pool so each encounter is unique.

By the end of the game you have reduced every number to it’s prime factors and collected them as weapons.

Example: I encounter: 1407…

I have 3 so I think to attack it.
Success I now face 469…
I’m not sure but I risk hitting it with a 13.
Ouch! I lose a hit point.
I consider running but decide to hit it with a 7.
Success, now it’s a 67.
I suspect it’s a prime number so I accuse it and I’m right!
I add 67 to my weapon list.

I make a mental note that with 67 and my 3 I could now defeat 201 if I see that one but more importantly I could get 2 if I encounter 402…

How do you reduce an opponent to 1?

Also, this is way easy to program. A great first project, Just go for it. Literally any language will work.

Lets say I only have 3, 7, 13 and 67, like in the example.

I encounter 201.
Bam! I divide it by 67 now it’s 3.
Bam! I hit it with 3. Now it’s 1.

I could accuse it of being a prime at 3 as well but because I already have that I should get something. So restore a hit point makes sense too.

A time limit should be included, otherwise perfect play would be trivial.

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Ah, I was thinking you couldn’t encounter a 3, since you already have a 3, but I didn’t consider breaking something down into a duplicate. Also, in this scenario, only the 201 gets added to your inventory?

It’d be simple to make it so that the timer goes faster or slower relative to the size of the baddie.