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Yeah boooooooooooi!

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Chinese reggaeton is not a thing I thought Iā€™d ever hear.

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You know, if youā€™re ever feeling distraught about your age, just remember that age is just a number. This is true, insofar as those numbers are a human invention to measure the law of entropyā€™s slow, deliberate dissolution of our corporeal forms, devised by our pitiably narrow ability to comprehend the vastness of time, of which the atoms in our bodies occupy an infinitesimally minute fraction of their existence to construct, in a universe comprised of trillions upon trillions of identical atoms, across unfathomable, impossibly large space, all of which is destined to return to the void, bit by bit, until all matter is reduced to energy and all energy quietly exits the universe, calculated to elapse 100 septillion years from now. Give or take.


links or itā€™s not real

I have no links. I was walking around campus and heard the very distinctive reggaeton beat. Walking closer, I realized it was Chinese, not Spanish.

Honestly, Iā€™d be more surprised if Chinese students were listening to actual reggaeton than some Chinese singer copying it.

After WWII, every major Nazi the Allies could find was publicly executed. This included those who worked directly to advance the Holocaust like Goring to those who had no direct association with the Final Solution like Ribbentrop.

!0 men were executed, hardly every major Nazi Allies could find. Ribbentrop was shown to have directly involved in the final solution ordering diplomats in the occupied countries to hasten sending Jews to camps in the east.

Retroactive disclaimer: I havenā€™t read a book on World War II since middle school. I only know what Iā€™m talking about with that war about half the time.

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I miss Viga, she would be kicking butt and a half around the forum about now. :stuck_out_tongue:

I guess thatā€™s the problem with being in an online community for almost 12 years, the people that leave eventually outnumber those that stay.


Did you ever stop to consider that the Mushroom Kingdom is an Imperial regime propped up by Mario? We never find out what Bowserā€™s agenda is because propaganda has erased his voice from the narrative. How awfully convenient that Princess Peach is presented as a benevolent autocrat and yet her kingdom practices Mushroom/Koopa apartheid that even Rhodesia would wince at.

Itā€™s strange too how the Mushroom Kingdom keeps expanding and expanding its tendrils into new worlds and territories, coincidentally alongside Marioā€™s actions to ā€œliberateā€ them from Bowserā€™s freedom fighters.

Mario is ostensibly a ā€œplumberā€ aka a patriotic avatar of the working class, but five bucks says heā€™s never really worked fixing plumbing a day in his life

Ever wonder why Bowser keeps stealing stars? Because NUCLEAR FUSION happens in stars; why should the Mushroom Kingdom have a monopoly over nuclear technology?

And donā€™t even get me started on the GOLD coins. Central bank hello?

Waitasec I thought the Koopas were from another hostile kingdom ruled by Bowser? I think that your aspersions on Princess Peach regarding apartheid might be unfounded. The rest, however, you may have a point.

Yeah Bowser rules the Koopa Kingdom and I donā€™t think you ever take that territory over.

Thus the Mushroom Minister of Information would have us believe ā€¦

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I miss WindUpBird. Dude just dropped off the world. I always wonder what happens to people when the leave here.

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If someone isnā€™t spending all their time talking on the Internets, itā€™s safe to say their life has improved significantly.


Oh god what does that say about us!

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He posts on Facebook. Usually pretty weird stuff.

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Thatā€™s good to hear!

Iā€™m not so sure who it is from here, but one guy posts things that range from ā€œok, thatā€™s kinda oddā€ to ā€œIā€™m afraid he might be having a schizophrenic break.ā€

Yep thatā€™s him.

Happy Birthday ScoJo South.