Queers invade the White CisHet Male safe space

When I went to my family reunion in Minnesota in 2004 they were serving Jell-O Salads and 8 year old em couldn’t have been happier.

But was it Jello in a bunt pan with fruit or was it this monstrosity?


Um… what the fuck is that?

That is gelatin salad.

That looks like a terrine… with eggs in it for some reason… or something. Only familiar with the word from Shokugeki No Souma.

Oh my god that looks like nightmare food.

All you need is for it be a sentient creature writhing and making sucking nosies. HP Lovecraft would be pleased.


That looks like a fucked up gala pie. Who would honestly eat that by choice?

You don’t eat it. IT eats your soul.

I can put my opinion here right? I like coconut chips.


That is possibly the only ok form of the coconut. Otherwise that is a god awful creation.

All opinions are accepted here so long as the adult male white’s accept it. I’m an adult male white, I get to decree that now right? Just double checking.

So, I’m (mostly) cis, (mostly) het, and (italian) white, but this isn’t an opinion, it’s an observation.

I heard a thing this past weekend and I’ve been thinking about it and realized I’ve heard it in one form or another my whole life.

We were making (a fuckton of) tomato sauce and it was very labor intensive and required two families to actually do in one day. Part way through the job some of the mothers in attendance uttered the following to each other while observing one of the males stirring the cauldron:

Mom1: “We could never do this without the boys”
Mom2: “Yeah, could you imagine having to do this without any men?”
Mom1: general agreement with this sentement
Mom2: more agreement

Thinking on about this I’ve been hearing this all my life from ladies like this, from my mother’s church and from the affluent neighbors.

How on earth do I, mr cishetwhite address this? Like I expect this out of toxic masculinity bros. But when it’s coming from a bunch of ladies?

As to what I did, it’s pretty obvious. I kept my mouth shut and pretended I heard nothing. This will happen again. How does cishetwhite man get these ladies to accept that they can do whatever I can?

Now for the only opinion part of this, so I’ve fulfilled my obligation to the thread:
I do not like this, in my opinion, it sucks.

non-CHWM here:
I’ve always interpreted this as a backhanded way of getting men to help, tying it in to toxic masc. as a motivator. There’s also internalized sexism. Internalized *isms are … pretty fucked up e.g. studies showing black children saying the white doll is prettier, Phyllis Schlafly, etc.


I’ll certainly be on the lookout for it being an attempt to get people to help. In that instance it couldn’t have been. At that moment in time the ladies in question were taking a short break and watching the others work.

I’d like to talk about how we as a society deal with internalized -isms as seeing it recently is breaking my heart. However, I recognize nobody, especially non CHWM folk are obligated to educate me.

I don’t know how to broach the subject when I observe it. Even in one on one situations.

Maybe it’s my schizoid nature speaking but to me that stuff doesn’t actually matter. It just sounds like part of the social game where people are playing their “parts” because they think they’re expected to. Address racism and sexism top to bottom based on how much actual impact it potentially has, but something like someone throwing an oddly phrased compliment at “men” because the men they’re working with can do a job well enough has very low impact. Gotta evaluate impact. I’m thankful every day that I’m not one of the splicers or installers at my company (who are all men, and I know that’s irrelevant to what they’re doing). They have their skills and I have mine that keep me at a desk in an air conditioned environment.

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I thought this was amusing:

Wow, you look great!