Playing God (Gardening and Plants and Stuff)

Skeptic surprised plant extract evolved to combat predatation actually combats predation. :wink: In other news…

The acetylsalicylic acid resembles salicylic acid, which is generated by some plants in response to immune threat. Applying it basically overclocks the plant.

Gardeners at the University of Rhode Island sprayed a mixture of aspirin water on their vegetable gardens and found that plants grew more quickly and were more fruitful than a control group left untreated. Aspirin in vegetable gardens produced healthier plants than the control group. The team used a rate of three aspirins mixed with 4 gallons of water. They sprayed this every three weeks throughout the growing season. The vegetables were grown in raised beds with drip irrigation and compost-rich soil, which probably aided the effects found from using aspirin for plant growth.

PEAS. I love peas. Also radishes. numnum

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The only thing I know is if they are Knockout roses you prune the ever loving shit out of them so only woody bits remain. Other kinds of roses I have no idea.

Because I still haven’t found a good plant I can get to live on my desk at work, I got a pumpkin for that spot instead. Today I got to work and the bottom of the pumpkin was squishy and had white shit growing on it.

I can’t even keep a picked pumpkin alive in this spot! It is cursed! At least it was just like $1 from the grocery store. I can get another one. It’s not even October yet.

Also, I saw this thing at the Maker Faire, and I kind of want it.

Maybe get a terraneum for your desk? No need to water it or do anything really.

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Did I give you a friendship plant?

Get a cactus. Almost no maintenance. Spritz it like every year.

No, will it grow nicely in an office?

I know, that would be too easy, but I don’t like cactus that much.

I’m also considering just taking a piece off my jade plant and putting that in the office. They grow way easily.

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Yes. I will bring a baby next weekend. A BABY PLANT hahahhahahhahha

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My favorite seed company is fundraising for hurricane relief and also has garden re-start seed sets for people who lost gardens.


This app was recently plugged on a YouTube video and I had to share it here.

WeFarm - It’s an app that serves as a Wiki/social network hybrid for farmers around the world.

Kate, you might check with these folks if you’re still looking for answers.
See if they can identify your variety first and they’ll know how to or even if you need to cover your plants. Down here, I just cut mine back and leave them until spring.

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I thought my strawberry plant wasn’t doing well, but it just made a whole bunch of awesome leaves.


I think my strawberry plant is dead :frowning:

My house plant is growing too big. Is it safe to cut it?

Jade plant OK.

Whatever those tiny plants @no_fun_girl gave me are, are doing just fine.

The chive @Nuri gave me is also still going, but not as strong as it used to. I think I need to re-pot it.

What are good plants for a south facing windowsill that will survive through the winter?

I have seen chives do fine in a tiny pot for years. It might just be the time of year, or you can give it a little shot of fertilizer if you really need to.

This winter I tried growing basil and micro-greens in an interior window box. It’s worked out pretty well, and it’s great to have fresh basil all the time. I run the grow light 8 hours a day since the window doesn’t get much sun. My next project is an outside raised bed for summer herbs.


those are some good looking plants!

Thanks! It was great to have spring come early inside.

I have a garden now! I was wondering if people had any good resources for helping ID plants, the garden that came with our house is quite diverse and I’d like to spend time mapping out what we have.

There was a mobile app that let you post photos of plants and get them ID’d. If I google I find this one: but that’s not the one I remember finding the last time I looked into this. I can’t vouch for its quality.

You can straight up use Google Lens for plant identification.