
Two solo matchmaking games in a row I get a team of scrubs, and the other side has a platinum+ smurfing with two woods grouped.

So I just got about 3000 Credits, which would finally let me pick up the Sentai Genji skin that I am really clamoring for. However…3000 Credits can get me a LOT of other fancy skins.

Do you guys think it’d be worth dropping the credits for this skin (I really, really, really like that skin), or is this particular skin a little overpriced compared to the other Legendaries?


/with fifteen characters


You’d better believe I solo queued Competitive, went 4-6, and am in Bronze hell. I can accept that Overwatch is not My Game. People in here are insanely salty. I will go back to arcade.

During a comp match I did get PotG for booping into the well both a Lucio and a Torb who just went ult.

This is the… third? Fourth? Chinese Overwatch ripoff I have heard of. I love Chinese bootleg ripoff games.

We need more custom 6v6/3v3 games with autobalance so everyone can level up together.

I thought there was no levelling in custom games.

Would I be justified if I reported everyone who refused to join team voice in comp?

No it specifically says in the report menus that not using comms is not grounds for reporting.

It says “staying silent” which I’m fine with; I specifically mean “refuses to join channel” so they can’t listen either.

It boils down to the same thing. I wouldn’t do it personally.

Yeah, you might be playing with people who have speech impediments or something. Or maybe they’re deaf.

I meant, actually getting better.

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Made it back into my rightful plats by becoming a Winston main.

Double XP Weekend starting tomorrow.

Overwatch as cats is a thing, and it is beautiful.

My favorite part of silver is the confusing racism:

you’re either a jew or def asian

Like what the fuck does that even mean?

Based on how my solo queue placement matches are going, if I end up in Silver, I think I will be a destroying god.

Even if my team is awful, there’s a point at which I can walk around murdering so many people it doesn’t matter.

I got placed in silver and was sitting on a 75% win rate as Pharah up to 2300. Then I kinda started dicking around. If I serious up again I think getting back to mid plat shouldn’t be too hard.