
Some potg

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This roadhog kept hooking me…


Roadhogs never learn that hooking a D.Va is frequently a death sentence. D.Va’s guns melt you at close range, and even if you kill her mech she can finish you off with her pistol. And sometimes you will get a nasty explosive surprise.

So far my favorite D.Va bomb cancel is throwing Orissa’s shield over it. I almost never intentionally hook the mech, but I have decent accuracy at hooking her out of the air as she ejects.
The only more satisfying D.Va kill is throwing her down a hole, mech and all while the booster is on cooldown.

I saw a gold portrait for the first time in a match yesterday. They were not good.

Are you kidding? Hooking a non-exploding D. Va suit pops it pretty much instantly since the shotgun headshot does some 400 damage. Roadhog wins that fight most every time unless they’re bad.

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The trick is to charge+melee post hook. You might still get desuited, but you can make them pay.


Overwatch: Anniversary event, May 23-June 12

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I love hooking me some Dvas, easy mech kill. One shot is guaranteed, if you some how miss the head just take the second and they’re done.
Also the best time to be doing this is when they’re defence matrix is up and blocking for people behind themselves or they’re preserving their own life as other DPS is shooting them.

Probably 75% of the time if a Hog hooks me on D.Va they’re dead by my hand within seconds. Maybe its just Bronze level playing on their part?


I don’t know anyone playing competitive mode just for a golden gun. Is this a thing?

I dunno man I think there’s a bunch of bad Hog players. Most Roadhog duels are hilariously easy for me as they don’t know how to optimise the combo or do a right click head shot before hooking primary fire then melee, side step primary fire again.

I mean definitely Dva’s E destroys all your damage and ultimate output, which is why Reaper is useless if you have a half decent Dva play on your team.
I guess it becomes a skill matchup which is better than a hard counter situation, with reliance upon the rest of your team.

I get so confused when I hook one of the opponent tanks and no on my team tries to assist and shoot the person being hooked, even if I call it.

This doesn’t seem true, but cool if it is.


Another toxic game. Was in QP and team refused to heal, so I went Mercy. I’m not a great mercy, but I do my best. Get some good heals and rezzes in, but opposing team starts to flank & focus me with no help from my team (of course). Four of my team goes down & I try to get close enough for rez, but am frozen and killed. Can’t get back to point because Mei ults, and no one will make LOS for Guardian Angel, so I die again. Meanwhile, teammates insulting me in match chat. Am reminded why I only play mystery now unless grouped up w friends.

Played a couple more games of QP but quit, after the fourth game in a row with all dps. Why do people hate winning so much?

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Well, when one is bad enough to be stuck in wood tier, they can’t trust anyone to aim but themselves. Since they are the hero that will carry the team to victory, everyone must instinctively cater their respective strategies around said wood-tier-hero. Forget that zenyatta is quality dps. Forget that playing to another’s strength can out-do any one person. Forget counter picking. If the team loses, it’s your fault for not pulling his weight.

People in wood tier seem more interested in trying to boost their K/D and be the carry rather than learning how to win the game. If you need to carry, take Roadhog. He can 1v1 most other heroes and his bulk + self-heal keeps him from dying immediately even when teammates are garbage.

Also you shouldn’t worry about what tier you’re playing in, just try and manage the team or select the heroes that will benefit you most in the situation provided.

When you’re playing against really bad players you can quite easily wreck their team as any tank as well. Played a game as Zarya on Hanamura, they kept shooting bubbled people or when I went out to grab some charge, got full charge and killed their supports and dps, then killed their dps again when they respawned, I don’t think they understand how even if I’m on 2 bars health and I bubble, you’re only going to get more damage back, killed a Mcree and Soldier in seconds because maximum charge and graved the rest of the team which at least triggered my Hanzo player to dragon.

Also since you’re a tank you can encourage people to move forward or out of a pit that is usually most points that need capping. Once you’re out you can defend at a choke which is far better.

Have also done something similar with Reinhardt where I got most eliminations and most damage done and obviously quite easily with Roadhog and Dva.

Basically you play up to par and you get placed appropriately.

It’s quick play most people don’t care what’s happening, just that they’re playing a game. They don’t even care whether they win or lose just so long as they get to play the character they want and gain XP for it.

Mercy would also be the least fun to play in quicklplay as you’re not really going to be handle most divers whereas Lucio can beat most non-tank characters in the game and Ana is a skill matchup with anyone she takes on.

If you want winning and losing to matter just play competitive.

People love to criticize Mercy because they literally only pay attention to you when you they want you to be healing them and you’re not. I told someone that the staff only heals one person at a time and they said they’d play Mercy next round. Never mind that their Mercy winrate was 35% while mine was 70%, and we were the same rank.

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