
The misery of competitive matchmaking. All my ranking games were with teams where everyone was below level 50. I am 561. Despite carrying over half of them, I was given high silver, and ground my way to gold. Meanwhile, every other game has someone who is throwing, or yelling at everyone in chat. I’m talking, only picking torb regardless of context, staying on widow despite not getting any picks, going afk, yelling STFU at everyone when they try to communicate, mercy refusing to rez. And that doesn’t include the junkrat mains refusing to switch despite being against a zarya and a pharrah…


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I have not looked up Team composition/strategies yet but I will remember this one for when I start being competitive.

Junkrat is really bad against Pharah, Genji, and Zarya – the first two because they’re mobile and aerial, which makes them impossible to hit, and Zarya because his bombs are free full charge.

What happened to solo q? Every game so far scored me a silver medal with one kill 5 minutes into any match, then gold with 5+ at the end.
A Mercy should NOT have gold elims in any situation!

Here’s Blizzard’s list of tips videos regarding Orisa.

Why do people throw games? What is the point of it?

They just really like Hanzo.

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Just played a comp match on Nepal with a Bastion and Symmetra main. I am disappointed.

God damn, yeah, solo queue got waaaay shitty below upper gold this time around. Way worse than I remembered. =(

This week let’s small-group queue. We can BE the good group for the one nice rando.

Makes me wonder if the Devs won’t revisit Hanzo at some point because his name has become synonymous with “Failure” and “Desire to lose”.

In mid-to-upper gold.

Hanzo is insta-lose.
Sombra with less than three stars is insta-lose.
Bastion is insta-lose.
Widow with less than four stars is insta-lose.
Orisa is insta-lose (no one has practiced enough or has good strats at that tier)

Those are very broad strokes but I’ve carried teams with those characters on my team.

Defeatist attitude is insta-lose.


Orisa is surprisingly fun with two healers. Especially against a team with a Rein that refused to switch. Twice I’ve now saved pinned teammates from death by blocking his charge. Plus I have a soft spot for anyone that hard counters a Pharah.

No hero is insta-lose at any level and that that kind of thinking is just affecting your own performance when you see those heroes at your team.

Fuck Hanzos though.

Replace “instalose” with “5V6”

I put in my 100%. But I have not once this season won a game that had any of those heroes on the team. In almost every case, that hero was specifically both doing very poorly and extremely belligerent when asked to try something different.

The exception was Orisa. They tried hard AND were nice in chat, but were just very ineffective.

I had one QP match against an Orisa who was actually using her alt fire properly. That player was all right.

Orisa Alt-fire is amazing when communicating with a Rein. Coordinate with his ult against another rein holding a shield, Alt-fire to pull him off the ground, your rein pounds and clean up the downed enemies.

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Finally finished my placements. Went 5-5, all soloqueue, but somehow placed into low Platinum. I’ll take it.

Just did my first placement match Had a close 2-3 loss on Route 66 and Wow even without voice chat competitive is more toxic than normal I had to report 2 people in just that match.