Now that Donald Trump has Won

About my point I raised a month ago: Right now the GOP is prepping a healthcare bill to “repeal and replace” Obamacare. It is probably going to strip coverage from billions of people, be inefficient and probably a handout to the rich. Why probably? Because the GOP is refusing to actually show the bill. Mitch McConnell would literally not answer whether Democrats would have at least 10 hours to review the bill and propose amendments before it would be voted on, using the meaningless phrase “there will be ample time” instead. There have yet to be any hearings on the bill.

Of course all of this is essentially what the GOP accused the Affordable Care Act to do, even though there were 160 or so hearings on it and about 60 GOP proposed amendments. Still the narrative was spun that the ACA was “written in secret” and had no republican input.

The question is: Is all of this just the party of hypocrisy in action, or did they deliberately spin this narrative about Obamacare so they could normalize their unconscionable, heinous, callous and spiteful behavior that was undoubtedly going to follow when they should return to power?

The icing on the cake will be that it will fuck up insurance for people receiving it through their employer. Because the GOP leadership is that cravenly stupid.

What you’ll end up with is a system where, even if you are able to buy into it,it will cover nothing.

So… related to the losses in G6, I have started a process today, a process that, in my state takes about a year. I’m switching parties. From independent (but basically always votes D) to Republican (but basically always votes D)

I’ve started hearing the suggestion that running as a lefty or even a moderate with an R next to their name is a good plan for perhaps moving the entire system left and so I’m going to begin being that change.

I’ve not deeply thought this through and all I’ve actually done is request the state send me the paper I need to fill out and file to begin the process. But I think it’s not the worst idea to be voting in republican primaries for the more left of the options while consistently voting D in the generals.

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This is exactly what I do in New Hampshire. If you are a registered independent, you can choose which of the two primary ballots to take. (But then you have to re-register back to independent after casting the ballot to avoid being registered with the party of the ballot you took.) It allows me to vote with the primary that I feel will do the most good without having to ally myself with the Galactic Empire on paper.

CT is much worse for independents, we get to vote in 0 primaries. So the decision to join one of the two big ones was made. It’s only today I decided to ally with literal nazis on paper.

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As a gun owner the NRA disgusts me. They are not about responsible gun ownership, they are about lining their pockets through fear mongering.

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That was well written, informative and entertaining.

My brief, dubiously-accurate timeline of the Trump-CNN wrestling video incident:

  • A redditor posts a gif of Trump beating up a guy with the CNN logo pasted over his face
  • Someone turns that gif into a video
  • Trump tweets it, of course
  • the redditor takes credit for the original post (“wake up and have my morning coffee and who retweets my s—post but the MAGA EMPORER himself!!!”)
  • CNN finds the redditor (turns out he’s 15), reaches out but doesn’t get a reply
  • redditor shits his pants, deletes his many racist and anti-semetic posts, and starts making apologies
  • redditor reaches out to CNN, asks them not to publish his identity if he stops shitposting
  • CNN publishes a story about the incident, including this quote:

CNN is not publishing [redditor’s] name because he is a private citizen who has issued an extensive statement of apology, showed his remorse by saying he has taken down all his offending posts, and because he said he is not going to repeat this ugly behavior on social media again. In addition, he said his statement could serve as an example to others not to do the same.

CNN reserves the right to publish his identity should any of that change.

  • people accuse CNN of blackmailing a 15 year old
  • redditor gets on a very high horse

The highlight is probably him mentioning his gay, Jewish, and Muslim friends as proof he “loves and accepts people of all walks of life and have done so for his entire life”, despite his extensive reddit history of not accepting people.

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I’m late to the party on this but I’m hearing a lot of: “He’s not actually 15, he’s middle aged.”

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Oh god I hope so. This story is already so juicy but that would be amazing.


To be fair, CNN’s apparent threat of doxing him if he goes back to being a racist douchebag is kind of douchebaggy in and of itself. Then again, apparently the actual story was that CNN had made no agreement as to whether or not to publish his name and for some reason used this threatening-sounding statement to make that point. So people are blowing it out as a threat when in all likelihood it was just some legal CYA thing they put in there should they decide to publish his name later for any reason.

CNN is not blackmailing anyone. It is borderline doxxing which is definitely not okay. However, people also need to be aware that even if you are hiding behind your internet anonymity, it is a flimsy shield to allow you to be a horrible human being. Maybe they shouldn’t be such a terrible waste of oxygen and do something better with their lives. The irony of course is that those that scream most about this potential doxxing are those that gladly used those tactics in the past.

Edit: Oh yeah, and let’s not forget the Trump/Korbach “Election Commission” which was trying to get all sorts of protected private data from voters around the U.S. which seemed more like a thinly veiled attempt at stripping anonymity from voters, which is all sorts of fucked up.

The whole election commission seems to be a giant scam to get the names, dates of birth, and SSN of the voting public.

Interesting approach, stealing everyone’s identity all at once.

It’s a good thing something like 44 or 45 states have refused to cooperate then.

As far as I can tell, the dude ignored CNN’s attempts to contact him, deleted his shit and posted apologies, then reached out to CNN and asked them not to publish his identity if he stopped being shitty. I’m pretty sure they never asked him to apologize or anything, and reaching out to him is not threatening.

[quote=“chaosof99, post:682, topic:125”]
It is borderline doxxing which is definitely not okay.
[/quote]Like hell. He did awful things, which got national attention due to the president taking a liking to them. No matter if he likes it or not, he’s currently a person of national interest, meaning that naming(and shaming, considering the content) isn’t doxxing. As the saying I made up just now goes, if you can’t deal with the consequences of having your klan hood pulled off and your face shown to the world, don’t put the klan hood on in the first place.

Plus, just naming the guy and the state that he lives in wouldn’t be doxxing anyway. They’re refusing to name the guy, not refusing to post his home address, phone number, and the names of his family members.

[quote=“Ikatono, post:685, topic:125, full:true”]
As far as I can tell, the dude ignored CNN’s attempts to contact him, deleted his shit and posted apologies, then reached out to CNN and asked them not to publish his identity if he stopped being shitty. I’m pretty sure they never asked him to apologize or anything, and reaching out to him is not threatening.
[/quote]Not quite. CNN figured out who he was, and reached out to him for comment. He started bricking it, deleted all his shit, and posted apologies. He then called CNN to apologize. CNN is not publishing his name because they’re giving him the benefit of the doubt - basically, protecting him from the social consequences of his actions, because he’s already showing remorse and willingness to change his behavior, meaning that being party to further social consequences is pointless and cruel. They’re also hedging their bets in case he isn’t, and basically saying “But if he’s not genuine, there’s no more reason to protect him from the consequences of his actions.” They did not, at any point, make a deal with him.


I think this is the silly part. Either reveal him or don’t. Threatening to do so is silly. “Doxxing” is an internet rule that media has never followed. I’m of two minds on whether that’s a good thing but regardless, the internet backlash would have been much weaker if they just outed him completely like many previous cases.