Now that Donald Trump has Won

What the actual fuck.

This is either going to set up his fall, or we’re going to see an unprecedented level of corruption emerge in Congress.

At which point…revolution?

While I greatly appreciate you informing me, on three separate occasions, that I am not under investigation…

“Memos released by the White House show that Rod J. Rosenstein, the newly sworn-in deputy attorney general, recommended that Mr. Comey be fired over how he disclosed the investigation into Mrs. Clinton.”

This would be hilarious if it wasn’t also terrifying.

This FBI Director has sought for years to jail me on account of my political activities. If I can oppose his firing, so can you.

— Edward Snowden (@Snowden) May 9, 2017

I thought Comey should have been fired after basically directly influencing the election with his senate letter an e-mail before the election. However, this is essentially Nixon-esque tactics right there. The timing is ten kinds of shady right after the testimonty of Yates and Clapper and with the subpeonas issued today, and it has been reported that the White House desperately was trying to find an excuse to fire Comey rather than having an actual legitimate reason to do so.

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Don’t forget, Kislyak was there too, which was not officially known beforehand.

Over/under on Trump fleeing the country before he gets indicted?

A bunch of war criminals got together for some photo ops. Sounds like America to me.

I don’t think they’re going to indict Trump. I just have no faith in the government at this point. It would take video of Trump violently stabbing someone for them to try and impeach him.


If only. The person being stabbed would obviously “have a troubled past” and that would be that.


I’m honestly pretty sure he’d go down on nothing more than a video of him in a room along with a bunch of Russian prostitutes urinating on a bed. A video I’m like 99% sure already exists.

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I don’t think that would matter. It would have to be a violent crime he couldn’t get away with.

(So like, harming a white male child).

On a lighter note: this twitter thread of Trump speedrunning the Watergate Scandal is a work of art.


Don’t count out the prudishness of old people. If a semen stained dress can do it I’m betting so can a pornographic video.

The GOP would have to lose majority in the House before anything significant happened.

That comment section is especially painful. People arguing “illegals should be arrested!!” and not considering citizens-who-seem-foreign-to-the-beholder-and-aren’t-currently-carrying-id. Clueless.


yep. One of the reasons I always carry my passport card.

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I’d watch that episode.

Shamelessly stolen from Ikatono’s Facebook.