Now that Donald Trump has Won

The other part of it is that I feel like there are many people in the general populace who may be skeptical of a piece of news but choose to ignore that skepticism because these words were published on a website someone took the time to make, and that means it’s “real”. And in a world (or at least the US) where people think politics is some Xbox vs. PlayStation bullshit they’ll use any ammunition they can get.

No, Ozy was the smartest man in the world.

No I think @anon68199961 is trying to say that Trump is akin to the alien squid that was conjured in to force humanity to unite against it.

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Except half of us voted Squid :frowning:

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Less than half, and not the majority.

Gotta find hope where I can, y’know?

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Considering about 50% of eligible voters did not vote at all it is more like 24% picked him.

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What is going on that monitor to the right. Was he playing some game?

In the wake of the Ghost Ship warehouse fire, 4chan has formed a group actively trying to hunt down more of these types of underground working and living spaces, declaring them “hotbeds of liberal radicalism”, with the group going by the name “Right-wing Safety Squad”, or “SS” for short.


At this point, with 4chan being a major point of organization for folks like this, I can’t figure if it would be better for it to be shut down or to leave it up so we can keep an eye on those shitheads.

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That was great.
Had me crying at the “Apparently, orange really is the new black!” line.


Strangely enough, Obama himself made that joke first. It was about Boehner at the 2014 White House Press Correspondence Dinner

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I hope he does more of these.



I am just thinking more about the history books, having to teach your kids about the Trump presidency, his photo in every airport, being the first thing people see when arriving in the US, stuff like that.

[quote=“JCDenton, post:38, topic:125”]his photo in every airport, being the first thing people see when arriving in the US, stuff like that.
It didn’t take much to de-Nixonify the country. If we fight hard enough and he acts heinous enough, the same will be the case for Trump.


Light hope acquired, all we need is this generations watergate. How much damage could he possibly do until he screws the pooch /s

You guys seriously think ANYTHING he does will be a problem for his supporters? The only way he loses the support he has is if he literally personally takes money away from those people. Even then, half of them will find a way to blame it on the Democrats.


With how little funding and respect journalism gets these days, that seems like it will never happen.

Politics has become a team sport for most people, they won’t stop supporting him, and it’s the same for democrats with Obama, none of the people protesting the Iraq war were picketing the White house lawn when Obama started military engagement in Libya. I realize that’s offtopic, but the "it’s okay when our guy does it’ on both sides is infuriating.