
Mugi seems to like mint, but he ends up licking his lips for a good 20 minutes after eating any. He keeps coming back to it, so I assume it’s pleasant to him.

Theo wants nothing to do with mint.

I fucking love wintergreen. I go into the woods and eat some every time the berries ripen. That shit is my JAM. It’s not a mint though.

The various flavors of mint are cool. I grow a lot of it, but wish I had more variety. Did you know watermint (peppermint is a hybrid of spearmint and watermint) is a MAOI? I want to try bergamot mint.

Also, lemon balm is in the same family as mint (Melissa, as opposed to Mentha), and it’s nice.

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See, this is how I know you’re an excellent person.

but what about Rubin?


This is how I know two things.

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You like Pepto bismol flavor? Blech.

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I’ve never had pepto bismol

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You are truly blessed.

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Hot take: The only good mint is Mint Chocolate Chip ice cream and Andes mints.

A take so hot it melted your ice cream.

I respect your opinion, but I just want to tell you that said opinion is wrong.

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Andes mints taste like chalk with a dusting of mint. I’d rather eat some Necco wafers.

Necco wafers are literally chalk. Andes Mints are not the highest quality chocolate or mint, but they are some tasty cheap sugar. Pretty much on par with mint M&Ms.


My feelings on ice cream are documented elsewhere.

When I was a wee 18 year old RIT freshman, I went to the store under my building and bought like a 40 pack block of andes mints. At first I was so happy and popping them like candy. Over time though, they began to seem less like sweet minty treats and more like tiny individually wrapped parcels of nausea. They began to taste like chalk. The very sight of them started to make me sick.

That still persists to this day.

I cannot find it in me to defend the New England Confectionery Company’s continued choice to produce Grandma candy.

That said, my love of Andes mints is largely because I allow them to be a rarity. It will be years between any two consecutive mint consumptions.

Damn it. I was thinking “oh next time I have a stomach ache, I can chug some pepto, feel fine, and also enjoy wintergreen.” RIP

I’m a big fan of altoids. They’re a bit expensive here but not as bad as in Australia.

I get altoids when I can’t get a hold of my standards. They are fine, but I can’t deal with the powdery shit sometimes. The tins are boss though.

The peppermint Altoids are divine. I’ve enjoyed them since middle school.

But many of the other flavors are entirely artificial and taste like poison.