GeekNights Tuesday - Untitled Goose Game

Hey, I was very clear that I think it will expand the game to a wider player base and is 100% the right move.

I just personally don’t enjoy PvE at all in this kind of game. Same with any amount of stateful character progression. I’m only here for the competitive team FPS. If it leaks into the main game, I’m out.

While you were saying that as a logical truth, your disdain for this version and modes and the people who will play then was plain. You’re mad scrubs and plebs who just want to have fun in the world are even coming near to your ivory tower.

No. I’m worried they will be the driving force of future changes to the game that will undermine the mechanics I enjoy. They could drive the game to not be FOR me anymore.

And I’m hoping it will do just that because it was fun before the competitive esport garbage mode was added and now it’s not fun. The competitive try-hard culture literally ruined the game. When there was no comp rank to get salty over I didn’t hear complaining, insults, racial slurs etc. The second people felt the need to make their e-peen bigger in ranked play the game began to nosedive.

I feel like you are shockingly wrong on this front. I have had literally the opposite experience, and it’s only gotten better now that there is separate role queues and role lock. People are much nicer in chat, the games are much more civil, and generally everyone is acting like they’re having a good time. This is both in ranked and in the arcade.

Maybe one in ten games do I encounter someone being vile in the chat.

Also, why do you hate matchmaking? Would you rather it just be random? We know that doesn’t work. Secret matchmaking with hidden ranks? People figure out how “good” their rank is by the kinds of people they are matchmade against.

The ranking system ensures that people are always playing against other people of similar skill.

It sounds like you actually want to play Borderlands and not Overwatch :wink:

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Sounds like you are in the Overwatch version of League of Legends Bronze where the majority of the other players think they are better than they really are and are “trapped” in the low rank by their peers. Getting into silver fixes that issue mostly.

I’m in high silver, or was anyway. Then I realized I wasn’t actually having fun because I was slipping into the try hard mentality. I’m not an amazing player but I also don’t have delusions of grandeur. And @SkeleRym I don’t know what you’re on about either because at every level top to bottom and every mode, I rarely went a game or two without vile vitriol in chat. I play for fun and there’s some dickhead bitching and calling people homophobic and racial slurs because they’re not adhering to pro meta in quickplay. I play ranked and I literally can’t have the team chat on because its even worse. Ranked play ruined for fun play, and it was a very, very stark difference within weeks of ranked coming out. And yes random matchmaking works fine. I play Apex Legends unranked exclusively which has random matchmaking. Instances of salt or vile speech are few and far between, win or lose.

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Gotcha, wasn’t trying to project. I only experienced that level of toxicity in Bronze League of Legends (I have no idea how these would correlate across the games if at all). That said, disabling All chat, but allowing team chat was less bad, but I don’t know if that would be helpful in your situation at all (or if overwatch even has separate all chat vs team chat toggles).

The worst comes from your own team usually, since there’s no audio chat with the other team. There is always one guy in quickplay who’s the equivalent of the dad who treats tee-ball like its the major leagues. You’re playing okay and maybe your comp was off and the other team got a good push but obviously its because you all suck and don’t know the pro tier comp and stratz etc.


I don’t know if you’re going to find much sympathy here about not playing to win the game.

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When I say try-hard I don’t mean just trying to win. Very few people would play to lose or just meander around not trying at all, at least not on purpose. Of course I do my best to play well and help my team win. What I mean is this drive for ranking and dominance and being superior and how it leaked into what is supposed to be the friendly pickup mode. The very existence of a ranked mode creates a hierarchy. Scrubs play quickplay, REAL gamers play ranked.

I’m with Marmot on this one - I’m pretty sure I’ve mentioned before(I think in the toxic game communities thread?) that basically everything below plat, or maybe gold, your chances of encountering toxicity goes way up, and that it was literally so toxic that I’ve not only quit, but have little-to-no interest in picking it back up again. And I hate to break it to you, but the vast majority of players aren’t in Plat, or even gold. And it’s not just two anecdotes - the Overwatch community is notoriously toxic. Remember how it was big news a while back that Overwatch was so toxic that it was literally slowing down game updates, due to the amount of resources they had to devote to trying to combat the problem?

I mean, I’m kinda impressed that you can hold steady on the rank you’re at, but nobody should have to git gud their way out of that shit, it shouldn’t be a thing in the first place to git gud out of.

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And quickplay is below even bronze so imagine how that is. When the solution and attitude is “git gud so you don’t have to play in low tier” there’s a big fucking problem.


I am increasingly arriving at the opinion that Blizzard is pursuing the time-tested strategy of pleasing nobody by trying to please everybody


A low-skill player playing in a high tier ruins the experience for every other player at that tier. This is the whole point of ranks and tiered play. Matchmaking is crucial to competitive games.

Quickplay has the same thing. It still does matchmaking based on skill. It just doesn’t show the players what their rank is. (Unless that changed in the last few months and I’m unaware: I only play arcade and ranked).

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So that is where the music comes from…

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