GeekNights Tuesday - Roll and Writes

Because one side’s behavior is heavily overlapping with numerous instances of the fan entitlement culture that led to gomergate, comicsgate, the Star Wars/Steven Universe harassment campaigns, etc… It’s the same shit.

The very idea that a press release or announcement can disrespect someone is laughable, and the fact that these people reacted so strongly terrifies me of them.

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No. It certainly upset and disappointed them, but not justifiably. It would be justified if they announced “No more Diablo ever” or “This is Diablo IV. It will be a crappy mobile game from now on.” or “We’re deleting all the Diablos from everyone’s computer. You can never play it again.”

The announcement is basically, not only is stupid Diablo IV coming eventually at some point, even though we haven’t officially announced it yet, but you are also getting a even stupider mobile game to hold you over during the wait.

More is not less.

Even though some people overreacted to Blizzard’s decision doesn’t mean that it still wasn’t a mistake. You’re lumping together EVERYONE who might be slightly mad or disappointed with Blizzard with the assholes who overreacted.

Did some people overreact? Yes, of course. No one on here is denying that. No one has tried to deny that. At the same time though, can people still be slightly angry and disappointed with Blizzard and question why they announced this at BlizzCon? Also yes. These two statements are not mutually exclusive.

By only addressing the assholes, you completely ignore the legitimate disappointment that other Diablo fans might feel. You’re telling them that their emotions don’t matter because of the actions of other people that they have no control over.

You’re essentially telling them that they’re stupid for feeling the way they do and that if they do feel a certain way, that they essentially “deserve” it.

Frankly, that’s some serious bullshit.

Yes. If someone believes that they are entitled to have a major corporation cater to their whims, obey their orders, or even to merely acknowledge their existence, then they are stupid, and they deserve whatever disappointment is coming to them.

I’m glad you’ve gone from being the arbiter of taste and opinion to deciding which emotions people feel are valid.

As to your point, you’re creating a strawman argument. No one is saying that Diablo fans are entitled to Blizzard catering to their whims or should obey their orders. What we’re saying is that if you had asked the average Diablo fan whether they’d prefer the mobile Diablo game announcement or no Diablo announcement at all at Blizzcon, they’d probably tell you that they’d prefer no announcement at all. That’s not asking Blizzard to cater to their whims or obey them, that’s asking Blizzard to have some realization who’s paying to go to BlizzCon.

As for fans expecting Blizzard to acknowledge their existence? Why yes, at a convention exclusively for die-hard Blizzard fans, I would expect Blizzard to take into account who their audience is.

The purpose of Blizzcon is not to serve the audience of Blizzcon. It is an advertisement to serve the interest of corporate profit. Lesson learned for any jerk who thought otherwise.

And if someone has such strong emotions about… a video game announcement, then they are a stupid immature baby person, and I laugh at them.

So any emotion at all is too strong?

Inappropriately disproportionate emotional reactions are common. I’m just pointing this one out.

If something severe happens, like say a large accident, an strong emotional response would be very appropriate. A “meh” reaction would not be appropriate or proportional. The big reaction would be the reaction of most reasonable human beings. The meh reaction would be the reaction of someone who has a problem, like probably a sociopath.

If someone announces one video game instead of a different video game, being super mad is not appropriate or proportional. It is also not the behavior of a mature intelligent adult. It is the reaction and behavior of an entitled baby man.

You’re strawmaning.

No one on this forum is defending the super rage-filled reaction of a lot of the Diablo fans. We’re saying that people feeling a little anger and a little disappointment are justified in feeling that way.

You’re only focusing on one group and ignoring the other group every time we bring it up.

This is what @jabrams007 and I have been saying THIS WHOLE TIME, it’s unreasonable to be as vehemently upset and reactionary and vitriolic as many people are, those people are giant babies and yes probably gomergate types, but its not unreasonable to be disappointed or even complain. When DiabloFan1998 says “Man this thing sucks, I wish they’d shown Diablo 4” on Twitter is not the same as TruthInGamesJournalism88 saying “I WILL KILL ALL BLIZZARD EMPLOYEES AND THEIR FAMILIES FOR THIS SLIGHT.”

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First post in this thread…

Did you miss the part where I said that many of these Diablo fans were swirling around Former-Blizzard Dev and Pro-Gamergate figure Mark Kern? That’s bad fucking signal to what these gamers find to be more important on the subject of their feelings versus Blizzard’s output. We’re past the point where this is Blizzard not knowing their audience and making bad PR moves, the consumers want this side of Blizzard to fail and are re-engaging in past mistakes.

Did you miss the comments that @panfriedmarmot and I have made over and over and over again that we’re not defending the Pro-Gamergate people?

We’re saying that people are justified in being disappointed and a little angry with Blizzard as a result of the mobile Diablo announcement.

Why is that so hard to understand?

Again, not arguing that the gomergaters are right, they’re not. We were arguing against Scott’s apparent stance that any emotional reaction at all is untoward.

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Cause I think when you say “both sides are at fault” you are essentially equalizing their problem is the same. You guys keep going #NotAllGamers when it comes to this issue. I don’t think Scott is saying that any emotional reaction is bad, but the fact that this became such a story of such vitriol. Gamers still have not learned the lesson post-Gamergate of “Huh, if I act like a manchild over a video game announcement, that might make the group I represent look bad.”

It’s fine to be disappointed and to express that.

It’s ridiculous to travel to the event for an announcement like this, regardless of how well it goes.

It’s ridiculous to feel disrespected or betrayed if a company announces a product that you don’t care for and would never have bought in the first place, which doesn’t affect in any way the product you do want to buy that is coming later anyway.

It’s fine to think this will be a bad game.

It’s fine to tell other people you think it wlll be a bad game.

It’s gomergate to do this in the #NotMyDiablo hashtag

It’s gomergate to care what Mark Kern thinks or reference him in any positive light regarding this.

It’s fine to be sad and disappointed if an announcement IS literally replacing the thing you liked with a thing you didn’t like.

It’s not fine to feel the above in this case, since this is not what happened.

It’s gomergate to react strongly to it publicly.

It’s just sad to travel to an event like this specifically and primarily for an announcement of any kind.

It’s ridiculous to claim anyone was harmed in terms of expense of travel or enjoyment of the event because of this announcement.

It’s fine to boo the announcement at the event.

It’s gomergate to contact any individual person associated with the company or the event to express your displeasure about the announcement.


I don’t think it’s equal blame. As I said, I do think Blizzard made a critical misstep in their timing and presentation, but it nowhere near warranted the reaction it got. It’s like 5% Blizzard and 95% reactionary assholes at this point.

In any case, @SkeleRym has summed it up perfectly IMO.