GeekNights Tuesday - Inscryption

Tonight on GeekNights, we review Inscryption. It's worth the price of admission even if you don't know that it pulls a Frog Fractions. In the news, Rym beat Zelda II again for some reason, and Microsoft is acquiring Activision Blizzard for ~$70BB. Also remember to aggressively confront any company that even hints at supporting NFTs in any capacity. The pressure works. Poison that well.

Things of the Day

Episode Links

For those who want that infinite play through of the game they released a mod to enable it. Inscryption - Inscryption: Kaycee’s Mod - Beta Open Now! - Steam News

Long story short there are a few story beats in it, however it is nothing major. It is in beta now so get it if you want more of this game or wait until it is “finalized” to get all the items if you care.

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2 Genji episodes

No! Bad podcaster!

Also Rym is forty‽

I didn’t read all that book for one lousy episode of content.

Now he is. Let me enjoy these few months where I can gloat due to arbitrary numbers. This chance won’t come again for 10 more years.


Shonen Jump’s immediate response to that linked Tweet:

Now we know what Shonen Jump was hinting at.

Wait, this is a game game game?

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Inscryption’s creator just released a free new game as a recent Ludum Dare submission.