GeekNights Thursday - Chocolate

Maybe for some people but I personally use the terms “too sweet” and “sickly sweet” interchangeably. Many many foods fall into the category of maybe they were once tasty but having eaten them and gotten sick enough times my brain started saying, “nope we’re making this taste bad so you won’t eat it anymore”.

To give you a solid example. Icing. All cake that contains icing is something I would put into the category of too sweet or sickly sweet. Maybe as a child I’d have gone nuts for it then regretted it when my stomach hated me. Now I just don’t like it.

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What Ikqaono said. Were talking about flavor. Not the other effects of sugar. You can even get sweet flavors without sugar.

I’ve eaen frosting with a spoon, and would again. It tastes incredible.

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So you disagree with my calling things that make me sick because of their sweetness “too sweet”?

It is not the flavor of the pixy stix being too sweet that causes your sickness. You were trying to bring in things that have no relvance to this discussion, like the effect of sugar on your body, or the quantity of sugar ingested in a short period of time. Not only do those have nothing to do with flavor, but sugar isn’t even required for sweetness. There are many things that taste sweet which contain no sugar whatsoever.

All I’m saying is that no flavor can be too sweet. Because sweetness is a good taste, and it is impossible for a taste to be too good. Eating too much and getting sick has nothing to do with this.

For the record, I can eat the giant pixy stix.

Pixy sticks are disgusting acrid candy.

[quote=“Apreche, post:66, topic:642”]
For the record, I can eat the giant pixy stix.
[/quote]I’ve seen this happen.

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That is a lot of words to say “yes, I disagree with you calling things that make you sick because of their sweetness “too sweet””.

I’m only trying to make you understand what I mean when I say something is too sweet, to address what you said. This is knowledge sharing.

I’m not saying it contains too much of a good flavor. I’m saying it will make me sick precisely because of its flavor (or used to anyway). That fact has made it taste bad over the years, I simply find it easier to say it’s too sweet than to deliver this speech at the drop of a hat every time someone offers me a canoli.

Whether or not it will make me feel sick is directly dependent on one thing, how sweet it is. I consider many things that do not contain any sugar at all to be too sweet.

Giant pixy stix should be renamed powdered emetic. You fascinate me Scott.

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So if you ate like, half a teaspoon of raw sugar you would get sick? Sorry your body is broken.

I find Pixie Stix gross because of the texture and the way it melts, not the sweetness. I stand with Scott on this.

Probably not. However it would taste gross (too sweet). More than half a teaspoon would give me tummy problems.

Your tummy problems have nothing to do with the flavor.

The flavor being gross is just your body being broken. Again, you have my condolences.

I’ve come to see it as a positive over the years. Yes, enjoyment of some things other people enjoy is locked off from me forever. But for the same reason I’m not ever tempted to make a meal out of cake, like I’ve been told others sometimes do. It’s a trade off.

A meal out of cake is called doughnuts for breakfast.

I enjoy some doughnuts. So it works out in the end. Just the sweeter the doughnut the less likely I am to enjoy it.

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The doughnuts don’t have enough frosting. Birthday-style cake is better.

I get the too sweet thing, but it always sort of made me wonder how that worked. Like I could eat a spoonful of white sugar and thats pretty damn sweet but some icings seem like they concentrate the flavor more to make it overwhelming. But how could it be more concentrated than a spoonful of pure sugar? I wonder if its something like the fat in the icing spreads the flavor differently over your tongue?

Also I have a strange love of what @SkeleRym called Archangel Dark Angel cake, the garbage grocery store sheet cakes.

Surface area probably has a lot to do with it. X grams of powdered sugar hits your tongue a lot faster than granulated.

I don’t know the deal with icing though.

I eat between 2500 and 4000 Calories a day in the summer, when I’m most active. In the winter, I eat far less. I don’t make conscious decisions regarding how much to eat: I eat what I crave whenever I am hungry.

I find that if I’m not active in a given day, sweet things repulse me and I have zero desire for heavy food. If I bike to work, I’m ravenously hungry for literally anything by the time I get to the office.

If I consume extremely sweet things (soda, candy) when I’m not particularly active, I feel ill and unsatisfied.

I’ve heard somewhere that how something tastes varies based on how much of it our bodies can use.

This is why salty delicious steak is delicious but that same amount of salt just in crystals on the tongue is disgusting.

I could be talking right out of my ass but it’s what I think I’ve read somewhere

It kinda jives with the idea that multivitamins tend to taste terrible and also likely just produce expensive urine.

Let’s count how many cookies you ate this winter.

There is a strong correlation between said cookies and long treadmill runs or bouldering.

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