GeekNights Thursday - Chocolate

Stubbornly sticking to (often willfully) misinformed opinions and asserting their universal correctness in the face of facts. Simplistic thinking like you pointed out in the show. The oft repeated refrain “who cares it doesn’t matter” when he can’t argue from a position of even basic knowledge.


You wrongly assume that just because I don’t want to talk about something that means I can’t argue or lack basic knowledge. I actually know everything that’s going on. I’m just tired of repetition. I don’t understand how other people are not fed up with having the same exact conversation every single day with nothing new to say whatsoever.


You’ve repeatedly stated “it doesn’t matter who cares” about politics, in those words. And @SkeleRym is constantly​ pointing out your ingnorance on various subjects besides politics by asking you to explain or clarify or present examples and I’d wager 90% of the time you dodge with some variation of “who cares whatever it doesn’t matter.”

Just because I don’t want to hear the same god damn conversation every single fucking day doesn’t mean I am ignorant. It is quite the opposite. I have already heard everything that there is to be said, and it is simply annoying to hear it yet again and again and again. Same fucking shit 365 days a year. It started before I was born, and won’t stop even after I die. All I want is to not be drowned in this crap. Let’s all come up for air, breathe, and talk about something else.

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First off its not just politics. Second if thats your issue that you don’t want to talk about it then say that like you finally did in this episode instead of being dismissive and saying it doesn’t matter. Let @SkeleRym say his piece about whatever it is because even if you don’t want to hear about it many listeners do be it politics or otherwise.

Finally did? I been saying the same thing for many years now.

Also, I don’t make the podcast for the listeners. In fact, I tell people not to listen.

Also, why do you want to listen to what Rym has to say? If you haven’t heard what he has to say already, you are the one who isn’t well informed enough. You’re in no position to accuse me of being ignorant if day-old politics news is new to you.


@SkeleRym has in more than a few times offered background or insight on newsworthy events or political news that was enlightening. And if you dont want people listening why the hell are you still making the show? In all honesty I come for @SkeleRym anyway.

I make the show because I like making it. I’d make it with zero listeners. I don’t need another reason.

The insight you are hearing from Rym is not insight, nor is it his. I read that shit on Twitter already. Try reading more Internet and you’ll see that neither of us really knows anything. All we do is read more Internet than almost anyone. We’re just sponges. We soak up the data all day, and squeeze ourselves out all over that mp3.

Pretty sure everyone who listens to the podcast is there for Rym. The people who listen to me and take my advice don’t listen, just like I told them not to. Rym would never say that. He wants fame and needs his ego stroked. Congratz on stroking it for him. Good job.

No one does something like produce and co-host a high quality podcast if no one is listening to it. And you know what I’ll stroke @SkeleRym 's ego a bit more. People come to listen to him because he is personable and doesn’t have a shitty attitude about everything. Which brings me back to my original point of how I don’t understand how he has put up with you for over ten years.

Scott is Rym’s natural foil, which is how the whole thing works.

Rym is a gregarious braggart who has a vested interest in making himself appear larger than he might really be. He’s great at marketing and communication. Rym is interested in shaping the world around his experiences, regardless of the experience itself.

Scott is disinterested in the grandiose and the large scale. Scott is focused on the here and now, on the things around him that he can directly affect, and on the nuts and bolts of the experiences he can draw from the world. He is less interested in the world around those experiences.

You make it sound like Rym has to be the one to do all the putting up, or that “putting up” is somehow not a facet of human relationships.I have to put up with pretty much every motherfucker that isn’t me, and honestly I don’t even really put up with me.

Rym is personable and outgoing, sure, but the grandiose display can get tiring, like listening to music too loud for too long (though I’m deaf so whatever). Scott is more restrained and easygoing, which is perfect if you’re more interested in a low-key relaxing interaction.

Scott puts up with Rym, Rym puts up with Scott, and we put up with the both of them because everyone contributes some value to the social dynamic. If they didn’t, they wouldn’t be here. Ain’t nobody got time for dead weight.

People are fucking work, the lot of them. If I could take @Nuri and my cat and live on an island with fast Internet and nobody to bother me, I’d do it. Fuck people.



“This just in Pete does not count Nuri as being a subset of people” /trollface

Of course not. I have transcended that bullshit.


No, both of us are people and both of us are work. I just actually like her, as opposed to the rest of humanity which I merely tolerate with varying degrees of success.

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I’m of course making jokes, I wish you the best with your island and your cat. Failing that I wish you the best with your basement… and your cat.

Guys, Zelda, WTF. If you have the Mastersword, the Guardians should be running from you.

Just charge in, let the laser lock on and when it’s about to fire, STASUS him to break the lock, keep running and then SAVAGE the legs off with your Sword. A few more swings and he is toast. You can tear 5-6 Guardians to shreds before your sword breaks.

If 2 guardians, just use one as cover from the laser, but same deal. It feels fucking amazing too, I NEVER tire of it. It’s so visceral and such payback.

As for the flying one, they are tougher but if you can get above them a bomb arrow from a 2x or 3x bow should knock their rotors off and them it’s another taste of the Master Sword for them.

Best feeling in the game.

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I feel this song must be linked to.

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It is very easy for anyone who listens to the show, but doesn’t otherwise know us, to see our personas very differently from our persons. Podcast Rym and Scott are one set of personas. Panel Rym and Scott are an entirely different set, as you may notice if you’ve watched a lot of our panels.

On the livestreams, you see a little more of our non-performative interaction in the bits before and between actual podcast segments. :wink:


“Hershey’s is acceptable”

That’s like saying Burger King makes a great burger that you would pay for.

Milk chocolate is way too sweet for me now, I’ve been having dark chocolate for ages, 60 - 90%. This stuff has little to no sugar but sweetness arises from the saliva breaking down other ingredients in the chocolate bar.

My low bar is now based on how much actual cocoa is in a chocolate and for me to buy, the low bar is around the Lindt type quality.

I have no idea how Godiva is supposed to be a good chocolate.

Then again these are all personal tastes. Who am I to disagree with your love of milk chocolates.

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I still never understand people who say something is too sweet. Sweet = tastes good. Something can not taste too good. It’s not possible.

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