Fail of Your Day

And I would if the literature didn’t say that my experience isn’t what happens.

I don’t know your experience nor am I all that familiar with the literature tbh so I can’t really help you there.

Fine, So gender is some bullshit they made up to divide us and make us hate each other while sex is what we actually experience, Got it.

If you want a personalized answer, we can’t help you. We don’t know what’s going on in your head and heart, only you do. We can really only supply you with what these things are generally accepted to mean. Just because that’s different from your experience, it’s not bullshit - it just means you have a different experience, as do many others, because obviously they can’t re-write the textbook every time an individual feels differently about the issue, or has a different experience.
I know it’s trite and rather unhelpful, but you have to decide your own meanings in relation to these issues from your own experience.

As Kate said, It’s better to discuss this with whatever medical professionals you have to hand, and/or other people with similar life experiences. We haven’t been there, we can hardly imagine what you’re going through, or what’s ahead of you and most of us are not medical professionals, I’m not sure how much assistance we can provide here.

But I can tell you that lashing out at people because they’re not giving you an answer that nobody but you can actually give you definitely isn’t going to solve it for you.


The SF SCPA can get fucked.

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Never had a back pain in my whole life until today. Early this morning while I was getting ready to get to work, I felt something on the left side of my back go doink. It has hurt since then. I keep trying to stretch around to fix it, but it’s not working.

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That happened to me a few months ago. I woke up, and my entire lower back was painful and useless. I had trouble sitting up.

It went away on its own after a few days. If it had persisted for longer, I would have gone to a doctor.

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I’ve had random pinched nerves in my back before. It just happens. Does it hurt when you raise your arm by any chance? That’s how mine usually manifest.

Bodies are stupid.

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Moving my arm definitely has an effect. I don’t think it’s directly related to the shoulder, but just a side effect of all back muscles being somewhat connected. Seems like leaning to the left or right makes it hurt/or not hurt the most. It’s also getting gradually better now that I’m sitting down. I think I must have slept in a weird way and also it’s fucking cold.

Be wary. I found that sitting (as opposed to lying) slowly made it feel better. But as soon as I lay down the next night, it returned with anger.

Old man Rubin.

/15 characters of Old mannnnnnn


Good thing when I sit I am basically laying.

Oldening sucks big time. I’m not as good at videogames. Random bits of me hurt for no reason. Getting grey at the temples. This blows.

fuck the odbc protocol
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Every time I get a new pain or ache I think “Well, this could be it! I might have this pain until the day I die!”

Thankfully there’s only been one thing that has stuck long term, which flares up every now and again. But that’s the exception that proves the rule.


Yep, pretty much. No chronic pains yet. I’m still only slightly old, not actually really old!

I have chronic pains, they do in fact suck.

At least your old age is only manifesting as temporary muscle pains right now. Some of us have aged into things like horrible pooping diseases.

It’s true, a lot of signs do point to Rubin possibly being pregnant.


I am 27 with bad knees and a bad back. What the hell went wrong.

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