Fail of Your Day

Apparently every single bittorrent site I have in my bookmarks is somehow hosted by cloudflare, which of course is somehow down for me. Anybody got a good one?

Nick Robinson of Polygon has been accused of sexually harassing a bunch of women over twitter. I thought he was one of the good ones, too.

Awww, damnit.

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KotakuInAction, one of the main GamerGate subreddits, is very angry about him being suspended without “proof”. I guess “ethics in video game journalism” doesn’t extend to sexual harassment.


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Your man looks about 43 in his sports kit down to the gym. Ash shouldn’t be worried about catching them all. he’s got a mortgage to pay off and kids to put through Uni.

Also did not know that mortgage has a silent t.


TSA shattered our primary piece of equipment, going so far as to remove its protective coverings and not replacing them. So now we twiddle our thumbs, waiting for a replacement to be expedited.

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The FCC doesn’t think people need home internet

Someone royally messed up their thermal calculations. Expecting to see rubber melting in a few hours.

And where should we be looking? I’m always up for watching a little mayhem.

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Given how much of the games press reaction was “yeah I already knew, it just wasn’t my place to talk about it” I can’t say I’m surprised.

After way too long of waiting and back and forth I got rejected for what would’ve been a dream job. I’m sad but relived that I finally know. Then again, they had me on the hook for so long and for such dumb reasons that it makes me wonder how good their intracompany communications even was, which I suspect is not very.

/end vagueness

That’s the worst. I don’t mind getting bad news or good news. The thing that bothers me the most is getting no news. At the very least I want to get some status updates like “we’re still deciding, we haven’t forgotten about you.” so I’m not stuck in the land of mystery.


Got stopped and searched by the police yesterday on the way home because apparently the store I had been shopping in called the cops on me and accused me of stealing. I had looked at a multitool and after looking around a bit decided to put it back. But apparently a knife right below it had just the sheath taken, so it looked like I took the knife, went off camera and stole the sheath and put it back. Luckily the whole time I had been telling them that I had only looked at a multitool and not a knife and was very specific. After the cop looked at the security camera footage I could hear him tell their loss prevention person that he believed me and he later told me he could tell I was putting it back on the top shelf, not the one under it where the knife was. So yeah fuck that place and fuck whoever stole that sheath. God knows how many times I’ve been in a store and felt like I was being followed despite doing nothing wrong, but never actually had the cops called on me. Won’t be shopping there again any time soon.

Drove my car down some steps today. Thankfully its alright but now have to do insurance paper work. My company was very kind and asked after the car first rather than me. So that was good.

Well, that’s a novel experience. By accident, I’d hope!