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After scouring fast, scat disguises Han’s self as a princeps and escapes to a niche planet: Evade ABBA (a daft boar); also win. The Doug starts to want for a hem, now realizing the Glam Identify of the princes.


After scouring fast, scat disguises Han’s self as a princeps and escapes to a niche planet: Evade ABBA (a daft boar); also win. The Douge starts to want for a hem, now realizing the Glam Identify of the princes.

After scouring fast, scat disguises Han’s self as a princeps and escapes to a niche planet: Evade ABBA (a daft boar); also win. The Douge starts to want for a hem, now real, icing the Glam Identify of the princes.

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Is there nowhere else on the Internet where people do this kind of thing? Because if not, this fact makes me deeply mad, but also I am deeply happy to have found a place like this.


After scouring fast, scat disguises Han’s self as a princeps and escapes to a niche planet: Evade ABBA (a daft boar); also win. The Dougie starts to want for a hem, now real, icing the Glam Identify of the princes.

After souring fast, scat disguises Han’s self as a princeps and escapes to a niche planet: Evade ABBA (a daft boar); also win. The Dougie starts to want for a hem, now real, icing the Glam Identify of the princes.

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After souring fast, scat disguises Han’s self as a princeps and escapes to a niche planet: Evade ABBA (a daft boar); also win. The Dougie starts to want form a hem, now real, icing the Glam Identify of the princes.

After souring fast, scat disguises Han’s self as a princeps and escapes to a niche planet: Evade ABBA (a daft boar); also win. The Dougie starts to want form a hem, now real, dicing the Glam Identify of the princes.

After souring fast, scat disguises Han’s self as a princeps and escapes to a niche plan: E.T.; evade ABBA (a daft boar); also win. The Dougie starts to want form a hem, now real, diming the Glam Identify of the princes.

After souring feast, scat disguises Han’s self as a princeps and escapes to a niche plan: E.T.; evade ABBA (a daft boar); also win. The Dougie starts to want form a hem, now real, diming the Glam Identify of the princes.

After souring feast, scat disguises Han’s self as a princeps and escapes to a niche plan: E.T.; evade ABBA (a daft boar); also win. The Dougie starts to want form a gem, now real, diming the Glam Identify of the princes.

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After souring feast, scat disguises Han’s self as a princeps and escapes to a niche plan: E.T.; evade ABBA (a daft boar); also win. The Dougie starts to want form a gem, now real, miming the Glam Identify of the princes.

After souring feast, scat disguises Han’s self as a princeps and escapes to a niche plan: E.T.; evade ABBA (a daft boar); also win. The Dougie starts to wane, form a gem, now real, miming the Glam Identify of the princes.

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git diff HEAD~∞

We’ve come a long way, but the journey ahead is much longer.

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I love how han dissappeared and reappeared later.


We’ve also gone from 38 words 202 characters to 41 words 221 characters.

After a souring feast, scat disguises Han’s self as a princeps and escapes to a niche plan: E.T.; evade ABBA (a daft boar); also win. The Dougie starts to wane, form a gem, now real, miming the Glam Identify of the princes.

After a souring feast, scat disguises Han’s elf as a princeps and escapes to a niche plan: E.T.; evade ABBA (a daft boar); also win. The Dougie starts to wane, form a gem, now real, miming the Glam Identify of the princes.

After a souring feast, scat disguises Han’s elf as a princeps and escapes to a niche plan: E.T.; evade ABBA (a daft bear); also win. The Dougie starts to wane, form a gem, now real, miming the Glam Identify of the princes.

After a soaring feast, scat disguises Han’s elf as a princeps and escapes to a niche plan: E.T.; evade ABBA (a daft bear); also win. The Dougie starts to wane, form a gem, now real, miming the Glam Identify of the princes.