Change a letter

:kick_scooter::bike::question::bird: is :small_blue_diamond::left_right_arrow::large_blue_diamond::spaghetti::rice::candy::beetle: S :hugs: a :loud_sound::bell: scene. Ted Teal’c :imp::money_with_wings::peach::crayon::wind_face: Te͝d̶̡͜ :rat: daft puǹ͙͑ͦͅts̟̰͈̭͒ :flower_playing_cards: ũ͆l͕̆̓͟t̖̣̗͙̫́̈́ṝ͉̭̼̑ỏ̯̟̘̗̞̽ͨ :hole:. He :card_file_box::wink::wink::honey_pot::corn::rainbow_flag::baby_symbol::lion::woman_shrugging:t3: ss̵͙̬͢y҉̷̧͙͙̫̱̮̺ a :taco::meat_on_bone: O̹̪̦͈ :writing_hand:t4: Rot(me) an :desert::basketball_woman: De :heavy_dollar_sign:er̢’s҉ :sheep::crown: the :uk: as :b: Ident :wind_face::ring::two::cut_of_meat::surfing_man::zombie:!

Good work, team. I didn’t expect this to go the way it did - when I started the thread, I didn’t imagine the chain method. I thought everyone would make their own, like

Crue Detective (2014)
Nikki Sixx goes undercover as a rock star to infiltrate the heroin trade.

Crue Detective (2014)
Nikki Sixx goes undercover as a rock star to infiltrate the heroic trade.

Crue Detective (2014)
Nikki Sixx goes undercover as a rocks tart on filtrate the heroic trade.


Crüe Detective (2014)
Nikki Sixx goes undercover as a rocks tart on filtrate the heroic trade.

Crüe Detective (2014)
Nikki Sixx goes undercover as a rocks tart on filtrate the heroic tirade.

Crüe Detective (2014)
Nikki Sixx goes undercover as a rocks tart on film—rate the heroic tirade.

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Crüe Defective (2014)
Nikki Sixx goes undercover as a rocks tart on film—rate the heroic tirade.

Crüe Defective (2014)
Nikki Sixx goes undercover as a rocks fart on film—rate the heroic tirade.

Crüe Defective (2014)
Nikki Sixx goes undercover as rocks fart on film—rate the heroic tirade.

Crüe Defective (1014)
Nikki Sixx goes undercover as rocks fart on film—rate the heroic tirade.

Crüe Defective (1014)
Nikki Sixx goes undercover as rocks fart on film—rate the hero [sic] tirade.

1 Like

Crüe Defective (1914)
Nikki Sixx goes undercover as rocks fart on film—rate the hero [sic] tirade.

Crüe Defective (1914)
Nikki Sixx goes under cove rap rocks fart on film—rate the hero [sic] tirade.

Crüe Defective (1914)
Nikki Sixx goes under cove rap. Rocks fart on FIL, mate; the hero [sic] tirade.

Crüe Defective (1914)
Nikki Sixx goes under cove rap. Rocs fart on FIL, mate; the hero [sic] tirade.

Crüe Defective (1914)

Nikki Sixx goes under dove rap. Rocs fart on FIL, mate; the hero [sic] tirade.

Crüe Defective (1914)

Nikki Sixx goes under dope rap. Rocs fart on FIL, mate; the hero [sic] tirade.

Rüe Defective (1914)

Nikki Sixx goes under dope rap. Rocs fart on FIL, mate; the hero [sic] tirade.