Notable Deaths

I doubt he’s a leftist.

For this guy. I honestly don’t know how I feel. I imagine I’ll wait and see how he’s remembered by history (as well as anyone can in one lifetime anyway)

One thing I can say, is I don’t at all mind people criticizing him today. Screw respect for the dead as a concept in general. And further:

And you’re a white American right?


And this should help on the whole “Leftist” score

Being this vehement about the death of a right leaning politician makes me think otherwise.

I think it’s because he knows we’ll react to it. Not because he actually believes it.

Oh shit, I just remembered who doublegomez is! He’s the guy Churba goes off on whenever they are in the same thread. Now I wanna go find his last rant and post from it.

I spent the effort so you don’t have to

Yeah, confirmed Pharisee.

Please do, I’m curious.

A red banner == left :thinking:

Oh I remember this now.

OK now, to be fair


Of all the ways to accuse some of purity you had to use that one? Even for boring Christian history nerds that would be lame.

You clearly don’t know what a Pharisee is if you think it’s an insult to your purity.

EDIT: to be clear, I would’ve called you a troll, but I didn’t want to disservice the FRCF’s one true troll, Nineless.

It’s Lizi’s way of saying fuck you


While I certainly don’t care for McCain and will not shed a tear, and I find this eulogizing a bit despicable itself considering all the misdeeds by McCain during his life, it is also hardly a cause for celebration either.

McCain’s death is not a cause for celebration, but I am deeply disappointed in all of the myopic “crossing-the-aisle/integrity/patriot” takes. Not surprised in the least, though.

It’s annoying seeing both liberals making comments/tweets about the very many bad things he has done politically and the conservatives who are glorifying him based on his military service, alone.

Me, I’m a liberal with strong ties to military backgrounds personally and professionally. I’m seriously conflicted, triggered, and have been in contemplation about his passing and what it means to me.

Overall, I want to punch both sides in the face because people are being assholes.


Senator McCain spent like every day of his natural life defending and upholding the Constitution, while fighting a totalitarian ideology organized around the idea of the state as a giant, centrally-managed factory without freethought or the First Amendment. Occasionally, this involved something as terrible and always-indefensible as war.

He was categorically opposed to the use of torture, while some in this nation and in his own party steadfastly defend it. I dispute the assertion that Republicans have a “party line.” This is America. Despite what his detractors say, he wasn’t considered “bad enough” by the North Vietnamese to merit summary execution. That was a war he fought in. Both sides acknowledge that. The North Koreans seem very ‘over’ this sort of interest in historical trauma. They have even held and then repatriated the remains of Americans killed in a struggle not entirely dissimilar to the one in which John McCain was captured and tortured. I don’t know why anyone at home or abroad would hold on to those pains, nor to those pains originating with John McCain’s actions in Vietnam.

He defended human rights and dignity until his death and even his votes against the Affordable Care Act (recall: in the U.K., there’s been a nonconsensual euthanasia scandal) were a part of his efforts to ensure that Americans at home and abroad have dignity and human rights, and that this dignity was what the United States stood for in his time.

I didn’t always understand his voting record before this year, but yeah as far as I know he was all about an inalienable right to human dignity, and the intrinsic and incorruptible dignity of all human life. You can’t get much better than that as a politician, regardless of your wartime record, and I’m not sure why you would be comfortable with politicians who don’t uphold those values.

John McCain fought in the Vietnam war, not the Korean war.

Also he voted against Apartheid sanctions. Six times.