GeekNights Tuesday - New Pokemon Snap

Tonight on GeekNights, we consider the New Pokemon Snap. It's Pokemon Snap. It's exactly what it looks like. And it's probably worth playing. In the news, 1846 gets an update, An Airport for Aliens Currently Run By Dogs is out, the 3080 Ti is coming, Nintendo took down a rom site (but the buried lede is that the proprietor went pro se in court), and while Moon Hunters was a delightful game this article describes what was wrong with its level design.

Things of the Day

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My wife and I have been playing a few nights a week before bed. It has been so nice. We have the Switch set up on the TV in our room. We just vibe, snap some pokemons, and be cozy. Good times.

Looks like black MIDI.

A Follow up to the Things of the Day.

Pokemon snap, indie edition

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Very nice!

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